Senate Liaison Division

Col. David P. Anders
Col. David P. Anders
Division POC: 202-224-2881

The primary missions of Senate Liaison Division are to:

  • Serve as the primary point of contact with U.S. Senators, their staffs, and all relevant non-oversight committees;
  • Assist Senators and their staffs in understanding policies, actions, operations, and requirements of the Army;
  • Provide prompt, coordinated, consistent, and factual replies to telephonic inquiries from Senators and staff;
  • Report congressional trends and problems and advise OCLL and the ARSTAF regarding the status of congressional relations and developments affecting the Army; Arrange and escort Senator and staff travel as directed by the SECARMY and SECDEF;
  • In conjunction with Army Protocol and other OCLL divisions, coordinate special events and ceremonies for the SA and CSA involving the U.S. Senate;
  • Notify Members of Congress about inpatients and outpatients at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) ;
  • Arrange, host, and oversee Army functions and events in the Senate.