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Continuing to Support States After the Northeast Winter Storms

Posted by: Public Affairs

We continue to closely monitor and support the response to the deadly severe storms that affected Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states this past weekend. Our thoughts and prayers go out especially to the families of those who have lost loved ones or friends as a result of the storms.

As response and power restoration efforts continue, we remain in close contact with our state, local and tribal partners in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire. Here’s a recap of what we’re doing:

  • Earlier this week, President Obama declared emergencies for Connecticut, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, authorizing FEMA to coordinate disaster relief efforts to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety. For instance, the types of support that can be provided include search and rescue, the delivery of food, water and other commodities, and generators to provide power to critical facilities. Once states are able to more fully assess the impact of the storm, FEMA is prepared to support them with joint federal-state damage assessments.

    These assessments are designed to give the governor of a state a better picture of damages, and to determine if further federal support is needed. At the state’s request, joint federal-state damage assessments will begin in New York and Massachusetts in the next week or so, as areas become accessible.
  • As of last night, we have delivered more than 218,000 liters of water, more than 248,000 meals, more than 5,200 blankets, more than 500 cots, and 42 industrial-grade power generators, for distribution by states, and will continue delivery of commodities, as long as they are needed and requested by states.
  • We’re also closely coordinating with voluntary agency partners that are operating shelters and providing meals and resources, and with federal agencies such as the National Weather Service and Department of Energy.

The time to get prepared for colder weather or a winter storm is before it is threatening your community. So before winter settles into your community, visit for simple steps you can take to prepare your home, business or family for winter weather (or // on your mobile device).

If you have an Android smartphone or an iPhone, you can also download the FEMA App and use the interactive emergency kit checklist or lookup a shelter or disaster recovery center.

And for more on FEMA’s role before, during and after winter weather, check out this previous blog post.

Last Updated: 
06/18/2012 - 16:31