Posts tagged: NAL

Let Kids Play with Their Food?

Whether in a school setting or at home, when you involve kids with food preparation, you open the door to a healthy future.  Kids learn that it’s fun and easy to create healthy meals and snacks.  They receive the benefits of fruits and vegetables as they explore different flavors and textures, and they gain knowledge and skills that will last a lifetime.

So, parents, let your kids dig in as you spend time together in the kitchen.  Teachers, use food to keep your students engaged while learning across several subjects. Need some suggestions? can help. Read more »

Top Reasons to Shop at a Farmers Market

Farmers Markets offer in season, local produce to communities nationwide.

Farmers Markets offer in season, local produce to communities nationwide.

Why shop at a Farmers Market?

Access to fresh, locally grown foods, for starters. That may be one of the best reasons, but there are many more. Farmers markets have fruits and vegetables at the peak of the growing season. This means produce is at its freshest and tastes the best. The food is typically grown near where you live, not thousands of miles away or another country. Shopping at farmers markets also supports your local farmers and keeps the money you spend on food closer to your neighborhood. recently filmed a video to promote the benefits of shopping at farmers markets, featuring a registered dietitian as she talks with farmers and customers at the market.  And here’s a sneak peek at our Top 10 Reasons to Shop at Farmers Markets with links to resources to help you find local markets and get the most out of your market experience: Read more » Helps Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Get Started

We know that America’s farmers and rural communities are vitally important to our nation’s economy, producing the food, feed, fiber and fuel that continue to help us grow. There are hundreds of programs and resources available to help meet these efforts.  However, sometimes it’s hard to know where to look.  To overcome this challenge, the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Library, in partnership with the American Farm Bureau Federation, has created ,an online database connecting beginning farmers and ranchers with available programs and resources. Read more »

Let’s Move! to grow more Community Gardens

Young people from the non-profit Jubilee Housing organization’s after school youth services program help U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) employee’s plant vegetables and herbs in the People’s Garden on Friday, Apr. 9, 2010. The Jubilee Youth Services offers a safe place for learning and fellowship for young people through a supervised after-school program. The after-school program provides academic support, enrichment activities, healthy life skills, teen leadership development and community service opportunities. The young people at Jubilee Housing have their own garden on site.  USDA photo 10di1300-132

Young people from the non-profit Jubilee Housing organization’s after school youth services program help U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) employee’s plant vegetables and herbs in the People’s Garden on Friday, Apr. 9, 2010. The Jubilee Youth Services offers a safe place for learning and fellowship for young people through a supervised after-school program. The after-school program provides academic support, enrichment activities, healthy life skills, teen leadership development and community service opportunities. The young people at Jubilee Housing have their own garden on site. USDA photo 10di1300-132

Cross posted from the Let’s Move! blog:

Spring is here and that means it is time to get your hands in the soil and start gardening!  As part of Let’s Move! Faith and Communities, First Lady Michelle Obama has challenged congregations and neighborhood organizations to plant gardens in their communities. Read more »

Recipe Finder Delivers the Goodies

Bananas Waldorf, whole wheat garlic breadsticks, bulgur chickpea salad, deep dish apple cranberry pie—what do all of these foods have in common?  They’re all tasty, affordable, healthy, and part of the SNAP-Ed Connection’s Recipe Finder database.

Nutrition educators everywhere know that there is one surefire way to make classes more fun and engaging: just add food! The SNAP-Ed Connection Recipe Finder helps nutrition educators to do just that as they teach low-income families how to prepare healthy, affordable, and delicious foods. Read more »

The Holiday Harvest from Christmas Tree Farms

Nine days til Christmas.

Many of you already have your trees up, I’m sure, but for just as many, if not more, your tree will be making it’s way home sometime over the next week. Read more »