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What We’re Watching: 3/16/12


At the end of each week, we post a "What We’re Watching" blog as we look ahead to the weekend and recap events from the week. We encourage you to share it with your friends and family, and have a safe weekend.

Weather Outlook
Over the next couple of days, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is forecasting severe weather conditions to include thunderstorms and heavy rain in parts of the Southeast and Southwest. Due to heavy rains, there is the potential for flooding.

Here are some flood terms that you should be familiar with:

  • Flood Watch: Flooding is possible. Tune in to NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio, or television for information
  • Flash Flood Watch: Flash flooding is possible. Be prepared to move to higher ground; listen to NOAA Weather Radio, commercial radio, or television for information.
  • Flood Warning: Flooding is occurring or will occur soon; if advised to evacuate, do so immediately.
  • Flash Flood Warning: A flash flood is occurring; seek higher ground on foot immediately.For more flood safety and preparedness tips visit,

Additionally, heavy snow is expected over parts of Arizona and high winds are forecasted for Utah, Arizona, Central and Southern Rockies, the Great Plains, and the Northwest half of the Mississippi Valley.

We encourage everyone to monitor your area’s local forecast as weather conditions can rapidly change. Stay up-to-date on your local forecast by visiting or on your mobile device.

Flood Safety Awareness Week Recap
In collaboration with NOAA for Flood Safety Awareness Week, we’ve shared information on potential hazards flooding presents, precautions individuals, families, and businesses can take to protect their families and homes from flooding and safety tips on what to do before, during, and after flooding. Flooding is the most common hazard in the United States -- but the good news is, there are simple steps everyone can take to prepare for flooding. Visit or for more information on floods and steps you can take to prepare today.

March Think Tank Call
On Thursday, March 22 at 3:00 p.m. EDT, Deputy Administrator Serino will host the next Think Tank conference call. This month’s call will focus on strategies and approaches for incorporating and integrating access and functional needs issues and concerns into all aspects of emergency management.

Here is the call-in information:

  • Date: Tuesday, March 22
  • Time: 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. EDT
  • Call-In Number: 800-593-0692
  • Pass Code: Think Tank March
  • Captioning for the event
  • Twitter: #femathinktank

We hope you can join us in this month’s call. Visit for more information.

FEMA Corps
Earlier this week, we announced our new partnership with the Corporation for National and Community Service -- FEMA Corps. FEMA Corps will leverage a newly-created unit of 1,600 service corps members ages 18-24 from AmeriCorps’ National Civilian Community Corps who are solely devoted to FEMA disaster response and recovery.

Washington, D.C., March 13, 2012 -- Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano introduces the new partnership the Corporation for National and Community Service and FEMA. FEMA Corps is designed to strengthen the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from disasters while expanding career opportunities for young people.
Washington, D.C., March 13, 2012 -- Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano introduces the new partnership the Corporation for National and Community Service and FEMA. FEMA Corps is designed to strengthen the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from disasters while expanding career opportunities for young people.

The program will enhance the federal government’s capability to respond to and recover from disasters, increase the reliability and diversity of the disaster workforce, promote an ethos of service, and expand education and economic opportunity for young people.

Washington, D.C., March 13, 2012 -- FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate speaks with AmeriCorps volunteers following the announcement of FEMA Corps, a new partnership between the Corporation for National and Community Service and FEMA. The partnership is designed to strengthen the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from disasters while expanding career opportunities for young people.
Washington, D.C., March 13, 2012 -- FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate speaks with AmeriCorps volunteers following the announcement of FEMA Corps, a new partnership between the Corporation for National and Community Service and FEMA. The partnership is designed to strengthen the nation’s ability to respond to and recover from disasters while expanding career opportunities for young people.

For more information on FEMA Corps visit our FEMA Corps page or the AmeriCorps website.

Preparedness Video to Share
We wanted to share this video from Prepare Metro KC that explains the importance of taking responsibility to prepare yourself and your family for potential emergencies. After you watch the video, head over to for tips on preparing for an emergency.

Photos of Ongoing Response & Recovery Efforts
Here are some photos from the tornado response and recovery following the tornadoes that struck earlier this month.


West Liberty, Ky., March 12, 2012 -- FEMA Community Relations specialists Kathryn Pullara and Helen Stephens explain the registration process to a storm survivor. FEMA, State, Local, and volunteer agencies are in areas affected by the tornado's on March 2nd.
West Liberty, Ky., March 12, 2012 -- FEMA Community Relations specialists Kathryn Pullara and Helen Stephens explain the registration process to a storm survivor. FEMA, State, Local, and volunteer agencies are in areas affected by the tornado's on March 2nd.

Denver, Ky., March 13, 2012 -- Volunteers from the Christian Appalachian Project, Inc. help gut a destroyed home. Voluntary agencies team together with FEMA to assist in early response and recovery.
Denver, Ky., March 13, 2012 -- Volunteers from the Christian Appalachian Project, Inc. help gut a destroyed home. Voluntary agencies team together with FEMA to assist in early response and recovery.

Frenchburg, Ky., March 12, 2012 -- Michael Caulkins, Small Business Association Specialist, discusses with an applicant the SBA loan process. FEMA partners with the Small Business Association, which provides low interest loans to disaster survivors.
Frenchburg, Ky., March 12, 2012 -- Michael Caulkins, Small Business Association Specialist, discusses with an applicant the SBA loan process. FEMA partners with the Small Business Association, which provides low interest loans to disaster survivors.


Henryville, Ind., March 8, 2012 -- The American Flag waves as a symbol of hope over the damaged homes and striped hillside after two tornadoes torn through the community of 1,900 residents in Southern Indiana on March 2. President Obama issued a major disaster declaration on March 9, two days after the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessments were completed in six counties.
Henryville, Ind., March 8, 2012 -- The American Flag waves as a symbol of hope over the damaged homes and striped hillside after two tornadoes torn through the community of 1,900 residents in Southern Indiana on March 2. President Obama issued a major disaster declaration on March 9, two days after the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessments were completed in six counties.
Henryville, Ind., March 8, 2012 -- Heavy equipment operators begin to remove the debris left behind in the wake of several tornadoes that struck southern Indiana on March 2. President Obama issued a major disaster declaration on March 9, just two days after the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessments were completed in six counties.
Henryville, Ind., March 8, 2012 -- Heavy equipment operators begin to remove the debris left behind in the wake of several tornadoes that struck southern Indiana on March 2. President Obama issued a major disaster declaration on March 9, just two days after the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessments were completed in six counties.

Henryville, Ind., March 8, 2012 -- Smoking Jim’s BBQ was just one of the local businesses and restaurants who pitched in to help with thousands of hot meals to survivors, repair crews and volunteers in the community of Henryville, Ind., which was struck by two tornadoes on March 2. The American Red Cross, Salvation Army and other faith-based and community organizations rallied to the town's aid within hours.
Henryville, Ind., March 8, 2012 -- Smoking Jim’s BBQ was just one of the local businesses and restaurants who pitched in to help with thousands of hot meals to survivors, repair crews and volunteers in the community of Henryville, Ind., which was struck by two tornadoes on March 2. The American Red Cross, Salvation Army and other faith-based and community organizations rallied to the town's aid within hours.

Last Updated: 
06/16/2012 - 14:09


Look. No pics of Harrisburg or Ridgway, Il. Oh, th...

Look. No pics of Harrisburg or Ridgway, Il. Oh, that's right, FEMA turned us down for relief!

I'm a resident of Harrisburg, Il., where we we...

I'm a resident of Harrisburg, Il., where we were the "lucky" recipients of an EF4 tornado on Feb. 29th, 2012 at 4:56 a.m. We know you have been here to view our horrible damage... It was devastating to our little town, and 7 of our people were thrown through the air to their deaths. So, what's the problem with you guys? You just don't like us??? We aren't worthy of disaster relief when everyone else is???

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