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Rams players, DeMaurice Smith will visit Joplin Thursday

Over One Hundred Dead As Major Tornado Devastates Joplin, Missouri Getty Images

A group of current and former Rams players will join NFLPA* chief DeMaurice Smith Thursday to help with the relief efforts in Joplin, Missouri.

NFLPA* spokesman George Atallah said the group came together with the help of FEMA.

We can smell some comments on the way saying this is a publicity grab. Complaining about how people donate their time and help is lazy even for the most cynical among us.  Those in Joplin need the attention and the help, and it’s great the players are chipping in.

Rams coach Steve Spagnuolo and his staff similarly took time recently to help tornado victims in Ferguson, Missouri.

Anyone looking to donate money for those in need in Joplin can find out information here or contribute to the Red Cross in the area.

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21 Responses to “Rams players, DeMaurice Smith will visit Joplin Thursday”
  1. kyle90 says: May 25, 2011 9:34 PM

    Yeah, thanks for lecturing us about how we should feel, Rosenthal. Again. I can see how upsetting it would be for you for anyone to think that DeMo would ever do anything for PR purposes. So I won’t do that. (Even tho I think DeMo is a dishonest manipulative egomaniac who is way too proud of his wardrobe and is way less likable than Tony Soprano.)

  2. dcviking says: May 25, 2011 9:35 PM

    However, congrats to the Rams players for trying to help our in their community.

  3. smellmyface says: May 25, 2011 9:54 PM

    Is it possible a twister could come through and just take him away? Just stick him out in a field by himself.

  4. southlandmatt says: May 25, 2011 9:57 PM

    Maybe if it wouldn’t have been announced with a tweet by Atallah to garner publicity it would be easier not to see it as being done simply for the sake of publicity.

    Having spent the past couple of days there, the scene is devastating. Just show up and help without announcing it!

  5. chillyphins says: May 25, 2011 10:20 PM

    Good to hear! Heaven forbid they actually do what they are supposed to be doing and work out a &%*$*# CBA.

  6. thumper00 says: May 25, 2011 10:34 PM

    Love to have Rams players, but please leave that moron demoron HOME…….we’ve had enough of him………

  7. cscfriarbob says: May 25, 2011 10:37 PM

    Well of course it looks like a publicity grab. But does anybody really give a crap? If so, shame on them.

    Whether they are doing this for the right reason or the wrong reason or even a combination of both, at least they are doing the right thing. That’s better than the alternative.

  8. massappeal12345 says: May 25, 2011 11:29 PM

    Obama will be back from his tour and be “visiting” on Sunday. It will be a good photo op for Mo.

  9. rushbacker says: May 25, 2011 11:53 PM

    I certainly don’t see how anyone could have a negative opinion about the players helping out, but no one wants to see any additional grandstanding from that clown Smith. Get to work and do your damn job, dude. It’s not like most of the developed world is waiting or anything. If the guy thinks he’s somehow setting himself up for a career in politics, he’s going to be painfully disappointed– I doubt a single person anywhere in America would vote for him for city dogcatcher.

  10. trbowman says: May 25, 2011 11:59 PM

    Is De Smith planning a run for congress in Missouri?

  11. titsburgfeelers says: May 26, 2011 2:03 AM

    Ambulance chasser.

  12. vahawker says: May 26, 2011 6:23 AM

    Maybe DeMoron will fall into a sink hole and never be heard from again. Good for the Rams players.

  13. cd_ridge says: May 26, 2011 7:51 AM

    Is he actually going to help with the clean up effort? If not, he needs to stay out of the way. The fine folks of Joplin do not need high profile people hindering their efforts to get their lives back together.

  14. duanethomas says: May 26, 2011 8:01 AM

    Where is Goodell? He needs to get off his fat arse and have some compassion. DeMaurice Smith is showing up with man power and some funds I’m sure. God Bless him and all the victims.

  15. jlb10 says: May 26, 2011 8:29 AM

    good for the rams players.

    maybe demaurice should try visiting the negotiation table

  16. diabloryno says: May 26, 2011 8:59 AM

    Why would anyone in Joplin, MO possibly care that De-Mo is coming to visit? I’m sure 99.99% of the people there DO NOT know who he is and the other .01% don’t give a rats a$$ about him. If he isn’t picking up a shovel or getting his hands dirty he might as well stay home instead of trying to pranch around Joplin like a star.

  17. chapnastier says: May 26, 2011 9:12 AM

    Kind of sad that these guys are beating our President there. Remember Bush with Katrina… where’s the outrage?

  18. hooskerdo says: May 26, 2011 9:21 AM

    It’s just another stunt to distract everyone from the fact that there are still no counter offers

  19. easyeddie says: May 26, 2011 10:27 AM

    If this wasn’t a publicity grab De-Bag wouldn’t be publicizing it.
    I think Jesus said “when you do a charitable deed, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do.”

  20. bensstinkyfingers says: May 26, 2011 11:49 AM

    Yeah, just another “Hey Look At Me Moment” for Debag. His weak attempt to sway public opinion is his / NFLPA favor. Look for the release of picture where this joker has his arm around a little kid who had all of his toys destroyed. Then on cue for the camera he hands the kid a new toy.,( probably the De-Mo super pimp action figure prototype soon to be released. he throws his razor edged pimp fedora at enemys just like the old 007 villian)) Hate to bash relief efforts by anyone, but this just comes off as way too slimy nd shallow for self promotion. Do some actual research Rosenthal and see how much charity De-Bag has done prior to the whole CBA debacle. It might reveal alot about this guys makeup. Personally I wouldn’t be too upset if we see a front page picture of Dorothy’s house on top De Wicked Witch of Washington in tommorrows USA TODAY. Then maybe a deal can get done instead of the Never Ending DeMo Self Promotion tour. Thoughts and prayers for victims and “real” relief workers in Joplin!

  21. ccraig232 says: May 26, 2011 7:53 PM

    There are much bigger things than football. I actually live in Joplin and these people taking time out of their schedules to come and visit, sign autographs, and throw footballs around with the kids means a lot to the community. It gives the kids a chance to forget what has happened here for just a little while. Regardless of the reason or motives that any of them came is irrelevant. Though from I saw of them their hearts were in the right place. I personally am thankful that they took the time to come and reach out to the community.

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