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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Animal & Veterinary

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FDA Announces the Approval of Iron Dextran for Baby Pigs

Approval Will Help Alleviate Current Shortage

March 29, 2011

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced today the approval of Uniferon (injectable iron), for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in baby pigs.

In recent years there has been an inconsistent supply of injectable iron dextran products in the United States (U.S.) resulting in shortages. FDA determined the product was a medically necessary drug and issued letters of no objection to certain approved companies allowing them to temporarily import and distribute an injectable 200 mg/ml iron dextran product into the U.S. Today’s announcement of the approval of Uniferon should provide an adequate U.S. domestically manufactured supply and therefore effectively end any current shortages.

FDA is committed to working with manufacturers in response to resolving animal drug shortages.

Uniferon is manufactured by Pharmacosmos, Inc. of Watchung, New Jersey and distributed by IVESCO of Iowa Falls, Iowa.


Contact FDA

240-276-9115 FAX
Issued by: FDA, Center for Veterinary Medicine

Communications Staff, HFV-12

7519 Standish Place

Rockville, MD 20855