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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Science & Research

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Denver District Laboratory (DEN)


FY 10 Analysts On-Board: 45
FY 10 Samples Analyzed: 4370
Program Capabilities

DEN-DO Laboratory is a multi-functional laboratory capable of analyzing most chemical analytes and pathogenic/non-pathogenic microorganisms found in food, drugs, devices and cosmetics; and it is home to the Animal Drugs Research Center (ADRC). The laboratory is comprised of seven groups: two Veterinary Drug Chemistry groups, one General Chemistry group, three Microbiology groups and the ADRC. 
Microbiology Capabilities:
Originator of the “high throughput” or “high efficiency” microbiological laboratory model, typical microbiological activities include: microbial and filth analysis of domestic and imported foods, including produce, seafood and cheese, testing of BSE-related feed contaminants, endotoxin testing, sterility testing, sporicidal, particulate and virology testing. Additional microbiological testing includes microbial assays on human and veterinary drugs, potency testing for medicated feeds and testing of imported low acid canned foods.
Chemistry Capabilities:
The Veterinary Drug Chemistry section analyzes a wide range of veterinary drug residues from animal origins and analyzes various food commodities for food additives. The General/Human Drug Chemistry section analyzes a variety of human drug analytes in both finished product and raw materials, and analyzes numerous food commodities for the presence of permitted and non-permitted colors. This section also runs tests to analyze consumer complaints and for the presence of sporicidals. Typical chemistry work includes: additives in imported food; water phase salt; nitrites and nitrates in smoked fish; antibiotics in milk; illegal drug residues in animal tissues; medicated feed analysis; liquid sterilants; and testing for ephedrine and progesterone in dietary supplements.
Specialized Capabilities
  • Salmonella serotyping
  • National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System
  • Antibiotic Resistance Testing
  • DNA sequencing capacity for unknown pathogen identification
  • FERN biosafety security suite with Chemical and Microbiological capabilities
  • Sterility Suite
  • Enhanced PFGE Suite
  • The ARDC is responsible for the development of analytical methodology to isolate, identify and quantify animal drug residues and their metabolites in animal and fish tissues, and associated products (e.g., milk, honey)