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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Science & Research

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Winchester Engineering Analytical Center (WEAC)


FY 10 Analysts On-Board: 42
FY 10 Samples Analyzed: 1,834
Program Capabilities
WEAC performs analyses in support of the Medical Device Program Area and radionuclide chemical as well as microbiological analyses for the Food Program Area.
Specialized Capabilities
Radionuclides in Foods: WEAC protects the public with a robust radiation analytical capability for food defense, response and recovery and monitors the nation’s food supply for radioactive contamination. WEAC is wholly responsible for radionuclide analyses for imported food, drug, and devices from Japan and supports other Federal partners including DOD and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). 
  • Lead lab for the Food Emergency Response Network (RAD) collaborating with 5 state CAP labs with associated $2M funding from USDA/FSIS and host to CFSAN storeroom for Radionuclide supplies.
  • Operational responsibility for field personnel protection – dosimetry and radiation pager program.
Microbiology: WEAC supports CDRH with device sterility, evaluation of bacteria of medical importance, determines the presence of endotoxins, evaluates liquid chemical sterilants and high-level disinfectants, and determines the effectiveness of preservative systems in eye care products.
  • Conducts original analytical methods development and research with MIT in nanotechnology and Harvard Medical School on prevention of foodborne outbreaks.
Engineering: WEAC has a robust engineer analytical capability for medical device safety as well as radiation emitting electronic (non-medical) product safety. 
  • Supports DOJ and OCI criminal cases with analysis and expert testimony at trial.
  • Conducts original analytical methods development and research with MIT and the Harvard-MIT Health Science and Technology Program.
  • Conducts ORA’s Foreign Inspections for laser and microwave firms.