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FEMA Private Sector Division Director Honored for Contributions & Dedication

Posted by: Craig Fugate, Administrator

Every year, to mark Public Service Recognition Week, hundreds of candidates are nominated for Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals, also known as the SAMMIEs. These awards acknowledge America's dedicated federal workforce and highlights those who have made significant contributions to our country. Honorees are chosen based on their commitment and innovation, as well as the impact of their work on addressing the needs of the nation.

I am pleased to announce that Dan Stoneking, FEMA’s Director of the Private Sector Division, has been selected as a finalist for the 2012 Service to America Medal. Finalists for the award are outstanding federal workers who are making high-impact contributions critical to the health, safety and well-being of Americans.

Washington, D.C., May 9, 2012 -- Dan Stoneking, Director of the Private Sector Division, receives recognition for his nomination for the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal.Washington, D.C., May 9, 2012 -- Dan Stoneking, Director of the Private Sector Division, receives recognition for his nomination for the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal.

This nomination recognizes the accomplishments of the Private Sector Division and the importance of developing close working relationships and partnerships, in line with the Whole Community approach to emergency management. As I have emphasized many times, including most recently at the National Hurricane Conference this past March, I believe it is very important to give the private sector a seat at the table in the work that we do on a daily basis. When we look at the disasters last year, the unreported story was how the private sector was a part of the recovery team. The sooner private businesses and government-backed infrastructure get up and running, the sooner communities will recover.

My hat goes off to Dan, Dan’s team, and all who work to develop partnerships between government and the private sector. Their contributions are vital to forming unique partnerships to galvanize participation in the planning, response and relief efforts for communities struck by tornadoes, hurricanes and other disasters. This nomination is exceptionally rewarding because the nomination was prepared and submitted from a member of the private sector and not from a government colleague.

Here’s an excerpt from the nomination:
When tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and earthquakes strike communities throughout the United States, federal, state and local teams immediately rush to the scene to provide emergency aid and to assist in recovery and rebuilding efforts.

Often missing from the equation has been the full integration of the private sector into the government’s disaster planning and response—a limitation that Dan Stoneking of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has been systematically addressing.

As head of FEMA’s Private Sector Division, Stoneking has been instrumental in linking the government and the private sector—trade associations, corporations, academia and non-governmental organizations—as partners in emergency preparedness and disaster assistance.

Under Stoneking’s leadership, a national team of private sector liaisons have maintained communication with FEMA during disasters to determine the damage to private facilities, what resources are needed and what capabilities the private sector can contribute to the relief effort. They have provided FEMA and local emergency officials with situational awareness about utilities, communications, medical facilities, the availability of food and supplies, the condition of roads and transportation networks and other critical issues.

Read the entire nomination to see the other finalists.
Of his nomination, Dan acknowledges this award as a team recognition and included the DHS, FEMA and U.S. Northern Command Private Sector teams, which have made significant accomplishments working together.

Finalists will come together in Washington, D.C., for an awards ceremony and gala in September when medal recipients will be announced. I congratulate Dan Stoneking and his team for this great achievement along with all nominees and finalists.
Last Updated: 
06/17/2012 - 16:04