Posts tagged: Super Bowl XLV

Are You Ready for Some Football?

USDA FNS employees promoted HealthierUS information to Latino families at the NFL/LULAC Feria de Salud on Jan. 30.

USDA FNS employees promoted HealthierUS information to Latino families at the NFL/LULAC Feria de Salud on Jan. 30.

Now that time has started to heal the wounds of many Pittsburgh fans we thought it would be a good time to highlight some of the work we did around  Super Bowl XLV.  USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) staff got to participate in Fiesta de Salud (Celebration of Health) — a community fair sponsored by the League of United Latin American Citizen (LULAC) and the National Football League (NFL) in Dallas, Texas. Fiesta de Salud was one of many NFL events planned during the week leading up to Super Bowl XLV which helped promote the NFL’s anti-childhood obesity program “Play 60.” Read more »

Inspiring Kids to a Healthier Future

Last week, Secretary Vilsack traveled to Dallas, Texas, home of Superbowl XLV, to meet with officials from the public and private sectors to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining a commitment to enacting healthy solutions to childhood obesity under Fuel Up to Play 60 .This partnership represents an unprecedented pledge to our kids to help get them moving toward physical fitness and health, a key element of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative. Read more »

Draw Up a Winning Game Plan with Nutritious Foods and Physical Activity

What do dairy farmers, NFL stars, and the Secretary of Agriculture have in common? They all braved the winter weather and traveled to the site of Super Bowl XLV to support the Fuel Up to Play 60 (FUTP60) program. FUTP60 conducted a kids’ football clinic at the NFL Experience, an interactive theme park at the Dallas Convention Center. The clinic, aimed at kids,  focused on the fundamentals to improve nutrition and physical activity in their schools and personal lives. Read more »

Winning the Future: Fuel Up to Fight Obesity

Cross posted from the Let’s Move! blog:

Today I had the honor of joining some of our nation’s principal thought-leaders at the site of Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that outlines an unprecedented private-public partnership committed to child health and wellness.  The co-signers included myself, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, NDC CEO Thomas Gallagher and Gen YOUth Foundation CEO Alexis Glick.  During the event, I unveiled a new television public service announcement (PSA) featuring a local favorite, Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, that encourages youth to participate in the Fuel Up to Play 60 program.  The PSA was developed by the Ad Council in collaboration with Let’s Move!, USDA, NFL, NFL Player Association, and National Dairy Council, and will be distributed to stations nationwide this week. Read more »