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Thread: a few questions on guard

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  1. #1

    Default a few questions on guard

    hi I just recently swore into the guard this past Friday and got my mos and ship date set. I was just wondering though is there any way to get your mos or ship date changed? I was just wondering because I was kind of rushed into the whole process so I didnt really get to look to much into or think about anything or what I really wanted. I also didnt really get told any of my other options or any of the differences between active or reserves or guard or anything

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Default Re: a few questions on guard

    These are things you should have sorted out before joining. It is not really the recruiter/guard's responsibility to tell you about the other branches.

    As to getting your MOS/Ship date changed, it is "possible" but not "probable". No one held a gun to your head and made you agree to what you committed to, so therefore you are expected to completed what you agreed to do while at MEPS.

    You have done a great thing by joining, you can now make the best of your decision and learn all that you can, so that you can be proficient as a Soldier in the career path you have chosen.
    VANG:1997- Current
    13B, 42A, 79T
    RSP NCO: Jan 07-Apr 12
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
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    Default Re: a few questions on guard

    Quote Originally Posted by ashsocrgrl View Post
    hi I just recently swore into the guard this past Friday and got my mos and ship date set. I was just wondering though is there any way to get your mos or ship date changed? I was just wondering because I was kind of rushed into the whole process so I didnt really get to look to much into or think about anything or what I really wanted. I also didnt really get told any of my other options or any of the differences between active or reserves or guard or anything
    Let me get this straight. You signed a contract binding you to serve for the next eight years or so, took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and throughout the entire enlistment process including the pivotal moments of signing your contract and swearing in, you were "not sure" about your MOS and/or service component choices?

    Your lack of seriousness and personal responsibility leave me at a loss for words. It is probably too late to do anything about this, but call your recruiter immediately. In the meantime, grow up and try to wrap your mind around the magnitude of the commitment you have made to the military and to your country.
    Staff Zombie at 1/114 IN (NJARNG)
    OIF: 2004-2005, 2008-2009

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Re: a few questions on guard

    Quote Originally Posted by jwarren View Post
    Let me get this straight. You signed a contract binding you to serve for the next eight years or so, took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and throughout the entire enlistment process including the pivotal moments of signing your contract and swearing in, you were "not sure" about your MOS and/or service component choices?

    Your lack of seriousness and personal responsibility leave me at a loss for words. It is probably too late to do anything about this, but call your recruiter immediately. In the meantime, grow up and try to wrap your mind around the magnitude of the commitment you have made to the military and to your country.

    In all seriousness, call your recruiter immediately.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Patton, MO

    Default Re: a few questions on guard

    @Jwarren- Ouch and well put sir!

    Jwarren is completely right. You made the bed now sleep in it. You should have thought it through and been adult about it. This isn't the boyscouts this is The United States Army and someday you will bear the power of life and death in your hands and be expected to do right. Your recruiter or RSP cadre might be able to help you but chances are you are screwed. If they can do so enjoy going back to MEPS and sitting there for a good deal of time, but at least you get a 8 dollar meal voucher . The MOS you picked might be the only one available so you may be screwed EVEN if they could do something. This isn't active duty and there is a short list of jobs your state needs and can give out. They may have 5 infantry slots, a few MP's, handful of cooks, but a Few hundred or thousand slots to mechanics, trans, chem slots! Also I might add just because your in an MOS doesn't mean you will always be doing work pertaining to that MOS. You might train to be a supply specialist and go to a trans. unit and drive trucks or get deployed and mount the 50 on convoys. Get use to doing stuff you don't like and shipping out on dates that are inconvienent.
    "de oppresso liber" - to liberate the oppressed

  6. #6

    Default Re: a few questions on guard

    I had a question, hopfully someone out there has an answer. I was just wondering if the National Guard has an option to work full time similar to the AGR in the Reserve?

  7. #7

    Default Re: a few questions on guard

    Quote Originally Posted by Justin View Post
    I had a question, hopfully someone out there has an answer. I was just wondering if the National Guard has an option to work full time similar to the AGR in the Reserve?
    Yes, there is AGR in the guard. I wouldn't call it an option though. Those positions are highly competitive to obtain.
    Staff Sergeant
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: a few questions on guard

    Quote Originally Posted by Justin View Post
    I had a question, hopfully someone out there has an answer. I was just wondering if the National Guard has an option to work full time similar to the AGR in the Reserve?
    They are, indeed, very competitive, so it would be wise not to depend on this opportunity. However, if you are interested in pursuing this avenue, get with your Readiness NCO to learn about the different job openings in your area. Some things that will help your odds is learning your job well, staying up on your promotions, being squared away on your Soldiers skills, having a passing APFT/clean medical record, and have willingness to relocate/reclass if necessary. It's much like a job interview, so try to make yourself stand out by volunteering for extra training and local missions. It's not impossible but many qualified Soldiers are vying for the same job.

    Good luck!
    Follow SGT Fuggiti and SGT Howard on their Path to Victory.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Re: a few questions on guard

    Quote Originally Posted by ashsocrgrl View Post
    I was just wondering though is there any way to get your mos or ship date changed?
    Possible, yes. Likelihood, unknown.

    Quote Originally Posted by ashsocrgrl View Post
    I also didnt really get told any of my other options or any of the differences between active or reserves or guard or anything
    You didn't ask. You were right earlier, you rushed into the whole process! Perhaps the thought of being apart of an organization the next 8 years is a little overwhelming for you. I recommend you talk to a few people (to include our forums of course) so you can educate yourself a little more. You are not the first to go through something like this and you would not the first to go with it and maybe....end up enjoying it.
    Last edited by SteveLord; 2 Weeks Ago at 04:09 PM.
    Former 11B/11C OEF Veteran
    IA and NJ Guard 2001-2009
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  10. #10

    Default Re: a few questions on guard

    Quote Originally Posted by ashsocrgrl View Post
    hi I just recently swore into the guard this past Friday and got my mos and ship date set. I was just wondering though is there any way to get your mos or ship date changed? I was just wondering because I was kind of rushed into the whole process so I didnt really get to look to much into or think about anything or what I really wanted. I also didnt really get told any of my other options or any of the differences between active or reserves or guard or anything
    When you say you want to change your ship date it depends. Later I have no clue, however I just enlisted a few weeks ago and I decided I wanted to go to basic 5 months sooner, and it was done in about a day..

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