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Benefit Updates

10/18/2012 - TRICARE’s Transition from Active Duty to Retirement
Beneficiaries nearing retirement from active duty have a lot to look forward to. Many will consider how to spend their time, moving to a different state or possibly the next great life adventure. One of the most important decisions all retirees face is choosing their health care after retirement.   
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10/09/2012 - TRICARE Launches Philippine Demonstration in 2013
Starting Jan. 1, 2013 TRICARE is launching a demonstration project in designated areas of the Philippines to provide beneficiaries access to high-quality health care from approved demonstration providers. TRICARE Standard beneficiaries who live in the Philippines and receive care in the designated demonstration areas may participate.  
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10/01/2012 - The Ins and Outs of TRICARE Communications
As the health care program for more than 9.7 million uniformed service members and their families worldwide, TRICARE provides information to beneficiaries in many ways. As the needs and wants of beneficiaries evolve so do TRICARE’s communication efforts.  
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08/24/2012 - Approaching Tropical Storm Is a Good Reminder for TRICARE Beneficiaries to Be Prepared
As Tropical Storm Isaac moves toward the Gulf Coast, TRICARE urges beneficiaries in the U.S. southeast region to stay prepared.   
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08/20/2012 - TRICARE Benefit Remains Unchanged under new Contractor
Following the recent announcement that UnitedHealthcare Military & Veterans will replace TriWest Healthcare Alliance as the TRICARE West Region health care contractor, beneficiaries and health care providers have been asking how this change will affect them.  
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08/08/2012 - Moving? Add Medical Records to the Packing List
There are often loose ends to tie up before moving. This can be especially true when a family is moving from one TRICARE region to another or transferring overseas.  
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08/01/2012 - Ensure Prescription Accuracy when Using TRICARE Home Delivery
Beneficiaries who use TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery not only save money but also receive prescription medications conveniently at their door. More than 1 million prescriptions ship monthly through Home Delivery, but there are times when a prescription can’t be filled and the order must be returned to the provider or beneficiary.  
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07/16/2012 - TRICARE Offers a Plethora of Pharmacy Choices
TRICARE beneficiaries have plenty of pharmacy options, including military pharmacies, TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery and 56,000 network pharmacies. Wondering which option to choose from?  
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07/11/2012 - Obstructive Sleep Apnea Steals a Good Night’s Slumber
Hitting the snooze button when the alarm sounds in the morning? Dozing off during morning meetings at work? Yawning excessively throughout the day? These could be symptoms associated with obstructive sleep apnea.  
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06/08/2012 - Expectant Mothers Covered by TRICARE when Moving
Pregnancy can be an exciting and stressful time especially when there’s an upcoming move for TRICARE’s moms-to-be. Stay calm! TRICARE coverage goes where mother goes.  
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