USAFA Home Page

United States
Air Force Academy

Online Application

Eligibility Requirements

USAFA Admissions Home Page

  To be eligible to enter the Academy you must be:
  • A citizen of the United States. Your citizenship must be finalized prior to entering the Academy. You must submit proof of citizenship if you were foreign born or naturalized. Authorized international students are exempt from this requirement.
  • At least 17, but less than 23 years of age by July 1 of the year you would enter. The age requirement is public law and cannot be waived.
  • Unmarried with no dependents.
  • Of good moral character.
  • Meet high leadership, academic, physical and medical standards.

New applications: Applications for the USAFA Class of 2016 (entering in June 2012) will be open from 1 March 2011 - 31 December 2011. Click here to go to the instructions page and apply On Line.

Status of already submitted application: If you have already submitted an application prior to the closing date, you may check the status by entering your log on information on the first page of the application, click here.

Graduating between 2013 and 2018: Click here to register in our Pre-Junior program. This program is designed for students in 6th grade through your first semester of your junior year. We place your name in a database and send periodic mailings. The mailings are informational and designed to keep you informed about the Academy and to keep you up to date on what you need to be doing to be competitive for an appointment to the Air Force Academy.

International Student Appointment Information: If you are not a U.S. Citizen click here for international student appointment information.

Current Active Duty, Enlisted grades E1-E5: Click here for important information.

If you have further questions on qualifications for the United States Air Force Academy, please call the office of Selections at 719-333-2520 or 1-800-443-9266 or contact us by e-mail (