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Tobacco Cessation

Smoking can cause cardiovascular and pulmonary disease and cancer. It can also increase your chances for hospitalizations, missed workdays, failed fitness evaluations, and impaired night vision. Knowing these facts, you may want to quit, but quitting is hard. It takes on an average, 11 attempts to quit smoking. That's why TRICARE is dedicated to helping active duty personnel, veterans, retirees, and their families succeed in the attempt to quit smoking.

Beware of Alternatives!
The two most common types of smokeless tobacco used in the United States are chewing tobacco and snuff. Smokeless tobacco is not a save alternative to smoking; it can lead to cancer, oral health problems and nicotine addiction. >>Learn more about smokeless tobacco.

We offer two ways to help you get the necessary assistance you need to break the tobacco cycle:

  • Smoking Quitlines
  • Web-based Educational Materials

When you're ready, We're here to help

The fight against nicotine addiction is the fiercest and deadliest battle that many will ever fight. Visit to chat with a live cessation coach who can offer expert advice, point you to resources, and answer all your questions. You'll also find facts about smoking and chewing tobacco, plus videos, games, a bulletin board, and downloadable materials.

Last Modified:May 11, 2011