
Obama wants vets to get another $250 check

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Late last week the White House released a statement calling for Congress to approve another round of Social Security economic recovery payments, because "many seniors are struggling in the face of the economic downturn, having seen their savings fall." The push came the same day the Social Security Administration announced it would not provide a cost-of-living adjustment for the second year in a row.

Like the payouts that were delivered in 2009, this round of economic recovery payments would sent $250 checks to all seniors receiving Social Security, including about 2 million veterans. Eligible veterans would not have to do anything to receive the money, but would have to live in the United States (including Puerto Rico and Guam) to qualify for the money.

This isn't the first time the White House has pushed for another round of payouts. But White House spokesman Robert Gibbs noted that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has promised to bring the new economic recovery payments to a vote soon, and officials are hopeful that both chambers can pass the measure before the end of the year.

In total about 56 million Americans would be eligible for the money. The plan would cost about $13 billion.



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