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Does the cadet honor code apply to all cadets in the wing?

Yes. Cadets are instructed during BCT that they must agree to live by the Honor Code if they want to enter the cadet wing. The Honor Code, which defines a minimum standard for the cadet wing, serves as a basis upon which each cadet can build a personal code of ethical behavior. The Honor Code states: "We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does." The Honor Code was adopted as an institutional standard by the Academy's first cadet class in 1956 and since its acceptance, the cadet wing has exercised guardianship over it. The Academy has established a Cadet Honor Committee to help maintain high ethical standards within the wing and extend the ideals of the Honor Code.

How does the Honor Code operate?

The administration of the Honor Code is accomplished by a joint effort between cadets and Academy officers. Each possible Honor Code violation is thoroughly investigated on the premise that the accused cadet is honorable until a sufficient amount of reasonable evidence shows otherwise. The primary sanction for code violations is dismissal from the Academy. Some cadets, however, are retained on probationary status. The main concern in the administration of the code is that fairness and equity be maintained while teaching the importance of personal responsibility and that the rights of the cadets are fully protected during this process. Cadets are taught the specifics of the administration of the Honor Code during BCT and throughout their Academy experience.

What comprises the Academy’s leadership program?

The Academy Leadership Development Program is the "road map" to cadet development and a continuous aspect of life at the Academy from BCT to graduation. This program focuses on the Academy core values - integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do. You must internalize these Core Values in order to prepare yourself for a career of military service to the nation. As a cadet, you'll be held accountable to your cadet and officer chain of command. You'll gain experience through numerous, diverse, coordinated activities that contribute to your leadership development.

What military courses are required?

Several military courses are required during the academic year. All cadets take a three to six-week tour of duty with an operational Air Force unit each of their final three years to gain insight into Air Force operations, the working environment and a 9-day bare base deployment-training course. First- and second-class cadets are also required to assume at least one leadership position in summer training courses, such as BCT.

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