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TRICARE Management Activity

A component of the Military Health System

Policy and Legislation


Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

  • FAR Part 19—Small Business Programs
  • FAR Part 52.219—Small Business Programs Provisions and Clauses
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

Executive Orders

Orders issued by the President directly affecting the small business community as it relates to the Federal Government, including the Department of Defense.

Executive Order 13170 [PDF]
Increasing Opportunities and Access for Disadvantaged Businesses

Executive Order 13360 [PDF]
Providing Opportunities for Service-Disabled Veteran Businesses to Increase Their Federal Contracting and Subcontracting

Executive Order 12138
Creating a National Women's Business Enterprise Policy and prescribing arrangements for developing, coordinating, and implementing a national program for women's business enterprise

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United States Code (Codification of Public Law)

Major Public Laws

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Policy Directives

Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP)

Department of Defense (DoD)

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Memorandums of Understanding and Partnership Agreements

Statutory Authority

Public law 95-507 §221.(k) October 4,1978 Amending the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act of 1958.

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