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Environmental Information

The U.S. Air Force Academy is committed to conducting its mission in an environmentally responsible manner that will protect human health and natural resouces and preserve the unique character of the Academy by maintaining a balance between the built environment and the natural environment.

We are committed to complying with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and other requirements. We will strive for continual improvement in our environmental performance by focusing on sustainability. This commitment encompasses the integration of sound environmental practices into our daily decisions and activities.

In support of Air Force Academy environmental policy, we will:
  • Maintain an effective environmental management system, promote the use of best management practices and minimize or eliminate adverse impacts to the environment and the Academy community.
  • Set environmental goals, measure progress and communicate results regarding the Academy's operations and its environmental accomplishments to the Academy community as appropriate.
  • Evaluate new and innovative technologies and practices, maintain an effective pollution prevention program, minimize the generation of wastes, maximize waste recycling and dispose of any remaining wastes in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Responsibly use resources such as energy, water, fuel and other natural resources, and adopt processes that promote conservation whenever possible.
  • Conduct regular environmental management system and operation-specific environmental performance reviews and take corrective and preventive action when needed to address actual or potential conformance.
All personnel at the Academy will conform to this environmental policy in accordance with their duties.
tabNatural Resources 
The natural resources program manages forests and wildlife at the Academy, including the protection and enhancement of habit for the Preble's Meadow Jumping Mouse. The Academy is home to one of the largest populations of this threatened species along the Colorado Front Range.

Forest health has also become a major concern in recent years. Several years of dorught and insect infestations resulted in dead and dying conifers that have been harvested for firewood and mulch. Firewood sales provide revenue to continue the forest management program.

The Academy maintains a healthy population of trout and other fish species by stocking its fishing lakes several times a year. The cost of fish is offset from license fees issued to qualifying Department of Defense personnel.

The Academy also nurtures abundant populations of deer, elk, turkeys and significant numbers of black bears and mountain lions.
tabCultural Resources 
The Air Force Academy is required under the National Historic Preservation Act to locate, inventory and nominate all properties under its control that qualify for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. By preserving this historic foundation, the Academy can maintain and enrich a vital legacy of cultural, educational, aesthetic, inspirational, economic and energy benefits for posterity.
The Air Force Academy manages its responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act through the Environmental Impact Analysis Process. The process consists of evaluating the effects of Academy actions on the community and environment. Results typically include an environmental impact statement and/or environmental assessment.

An environmental impact statement must be produced if a proposed action causes potential for significant degradation of environmental quality or threat to public health or safety, public controversy concerning the impact of an action or potential for significant impact on protected natural or historic sites.

An environmental assessment may be produced before any contract for action is entered into or action is begun to determine whether an environmental impact statement is necessary. All environmental assessments must prompt either the preparation of a finding of no significant impact, a finding of no practicable alternative or an environmental impact statement.
tabContact Us 
8120 Edgerton Drive
U.S. Air Force Academy, CO 80840

Phone: 719-333-6455
E-Mail: 10th CES Environmental Flight
Recycling LogoThe Air Force Academy recycles newspaper, #1 and #2 plastics and glass using receptacles located in the community center parking lot. Plastic, paper, and aluminum and steel cans are picked up in housing areas through a curbside recycling program.

In addition to recycling, base housing residents who have hazardous products they no longer need such as bathroom cleaning supplies can take them to the Household Hazardous Material Drop and Swap site, located in Building 8125, on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

For missed collections in housing areas, call 719-333-3528.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has issued guidance for disposal of contaminated bandages, used hypodermic needles and unwanted household medicine: Household Medical Waste Management (.pdf).
tabPollution Prevention 
Air Force Academy policy is to practice pollution prevention whenever feasible. In situations where waste cannot be prevented, it should be recycled; waste that cannot be prevented or recycled should be treated in an environmentally safe manner. Disposal should be employed only as a last resort.

The Academy's Hazardous Materials Program manages the procurement and use of hazardous materials to support Air Force missions, protect the safety and health of Academy personnel and nearby communities, minimize the use of hazardous materials consistent with mission requirements and maintain Academy compliance with environmental requirements for hazardous material usage.

For more information on Air Force efforts to prevent and reduce waste, visit the Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment.

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