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The Military Coalition

The Military Coalition is comprised of 30 organizations representing more than 5.5 million members of the uniformed services--active, reserve, retired, survivors, veterans--and their families. The Coalition lobbies the Legislative and Executive Branches for compensation, health care and other quality of life improvements for uniformed services beneficiaries.

The National Military/Veterans Alliance

The National Military/Veterans Alliance represents almost 4.2 million members and collectively, our organizations represent some 80 million Americans. The National Military/Veterans Alliance expands the military/veteran community's ability to present a united front to Congress and the White House, promoting their goals and objectives concerning a wide range of military quality of life issues such as compensation, health care, survivor benefits, military housing and education.

Military Coalition

Air Force Association

Air Force Sergeants Association 

Army Aviation Association of America

Association of Military Surgeons of the United States

Association of the United States Army

Chief Warrant Officer and Warrant Officer Association, US Coast Guard

Commissioned Officers Association of the U.S. Public Health Service

Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States

Fleet Reserve Association

Gold Star Wives of America

Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America 

Marine Corps League 

Marine Corps Reserve Officers Association 

Military Chaplains Association of the United States of America

Military Officers Association of America

Military Order of the Purple Heart 

National Guard Association of the United States

National Military Family Association 

National Order of Battlefield Commissions 

Naval Enlisted Reserve Association

Naval Reserve Association

Navy League of the United States

Non Commissioned Officers Association of the United States of America

Society of Medical Consultants to the Armed Forces 

The Retired Enlisted Association

United Armed Forces Association

USCG Chief Petty Officer's Association

United States Army Warrant Officers Association

Veterans of Foreign Wars 

Veterans' Widows International Network, Inc.

The National Military/Veterans Alliance

American Military Retirees Association

American Military Society

American Retirees Association

American World War II Orphans Network


Catholic War Veterans 

Class Act Group

Gold Star Wives of America

Korean War Veterans Association Foundation

Legion of Valor (Washington Capital Region)

Military Order of the Purple Heart 

Military Order of the World Wars

National Association for Uniformed Services 

Naval Enlisted Reserve Association

National Gulf War Resource Center 

Naval League of the United States

Naval Reserve Association

Non Commissioned Officers Association

Society for Military Widows 

Society of Medical Consultants to the Armed Forces 

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors

TREA Senior Citizen League 

Uniformed Services Disabled Veterans 

Vietnam Veterans of America 

Veterans of Foreign Wars 

Women in Search of Equity is the official Web site of the
TRICARE Management Activity,
a component of the Military Health System
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