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Feature Technology Projects

Photo taken of the Times Square reader board in New York City on January 18, 2012

The National Center for Telehealth & Technology (T2), designs and builds applications employing emerging technologies in support of psychological health and traumatic brain injury recovery in the military. Equally important is our work toward eradicating stigma that can deter Service Members from seeking help. Below are some recent initiatives.


Spotlight on T2

Mobile-App Helps Post-Disaster Mental Health Responders

Mobile-App Helps Post-Disaster Mental Health Responders

The next time disaster strikes, mental health and other response workers may find help in delivering psychological first aid (PFA) as near as their smartphones. "PFA is an evidence-informed modular approach for assisting people in the immediate aftermath of disaster and terrorism: to reduce initial distress and to foster short and long-term adaptive functioning," says the Department of Veterans Affairs' National Center for PTSD, a codeveloper of the app along with the Department of Defense's National Center for Telehealth and Technology and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

Smart Phones, Service Members & PTSD Treatments

Smart Phones, Service Members & PTSD Treatments

The computer age has dramatically impacted the practice of medicine.  No matter what specialty of health care you look to, technology has enabled new tools to support the work of providers and facilitate the healing of patients -- behavioral health is no exception.

Mobile computing platforms, such as smart phones and tablet computers, provide capabilities that can provide constant, "hip pocket" access to a range of potentially helpful tools.

Using Technology to Help Battle PTSD

Brian Sullivan uses a T2 Smartphone App to cope with PTSD

Before returning to treatment, former Army bomb technician Brian Sullivan used a smartphone app to cope with PTSD. Brian Sullivan, a former Army bomb technician, quit treatment for post traumatic stress when, he said, doctors began pushing him to take medications he didn’t want.

Military, VA release New Mobile App for PTSD Therapy

Military, VA release New Mobile App for PTSD Therapy

The military has released a new mobile app designed for post-traumatic stress disorder patients in a therapy known as prolonged exposure. PE Coach was developed by the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs and offers users a mobile way of assessing symptoms, recording therapy sessions, receiving reminders for homework and appointments and learning more about PTSD.

by Dr. Radut.