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F.A.S.T. (Financial Abuse Specialist Team) ,  (Videotape), OVC, May 2003, NCJ 198153.
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Fact Sheet on Environmental Assessment for the Methamphetamine Initiative , COPS, July 2004, NCJ 207393. (2 pages).
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Fact Sheet: Drug Testing in the Criminal Justice System , BJS, March 1992.
Fact Sheet: Drug-Related Crime , BJS, August 1994, NCJ 149286. (5 pages).
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Fact-Finding Report on Community Assessment Centers (CACs): Final Report , OJJDP, June 1996, NCJ 180609. (63 pages).
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Factories Behind Fences: Do Prison 'Real Work' Programs Work? , NIJ, June 2007, NCJ 218264. (8 pages).
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Factors Related to Domestic Violence Court Dispositions in a Large Urban Area: The Role of Victim/Witness Reluctance and Other Variables, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, 2000, NCJ 184112. (20 pages).
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Factors Related to Domestic Violence Court Dispositions in a Large Urban Area: The Role of Victim/Witness Reluctance and Other Variables, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, June 2000, NCJ 184232. (257 pages).
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Factors That Impact the Determination by Medical Examiners of Elder Mistreatment as a Cause of Death in Older People (Final Report) , OVC-Sponsored, July 2008, NCJ 223288. (73 pages).
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Factors That Influence Public Opinion of the Police , NIJ, June 2003, NCJ 197925. (17 pages).
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Facts From Fiction: Tactics and Strategies of Addressing Organized Crime and Organized Criminals , Nathanson Centre for the Study of Organized Crime and Corruption, June 2000, NCJ 194000. (12 pages).
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Fair, Timely, Economical Justice: Achieving Justice Through Effective Caseflow Management , BJA-Sponsored, December 2009, NCJ 229252. (30 pages).
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Faith-Based Corrections and Reentry Programs: Advancing a Conceptual Framework for Research and Evaluation , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2011, NCJ 234058. (77 pages).
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Faith-Based Responses to Crime Victims (DVD) ,  (DVD), OVC, April 2008, NCJ 216616.
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False Burglar Alarms , COPS, May 2002, NCJ 194027. (43 pages).
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The False Metric of the DNA Backlog - Interview at the 2010 NIJ Conference , NIJ, June 2010, NCJ 234764.
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Familial DNA Searching: Issues and Answers - Panel Discussion at the 2011 NIJ Conference , NIJ, June 2011, NCJ 236842.
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Families and Incarceration , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2002, NCJ 202981. (278 pages).
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Families and Schools Together , OJJDP, December 1998, FS 9888. (2 pages).
Families and Schools Together: Building Relationships , OJJDP, November 1999, NCJ 173423. (20 pages).
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Families as a Resource in Recovery from Drug Abuse: An Evaluation of La Bodega de la Familia , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2002, NCJ 195087. (85 pages).
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Families, Neighborhoods, and Juvenile Victimization , OJJDP-Sponsored, 2005, NCJ 216001. (11 pages).
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Family Abductors: Descriptive Profiles and Preventive Interventions , OJJDP, January 2001, NCJ 182788. (8 pages).
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Family and Employment Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence: A Longitudinal Analysis , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2005, NCJ 209295. (114 pages).
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Family Dependency Treatment Courts: Addressing Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Using the Drug Court Model , BJA, December 2004, NCJ 206809. (84 pages).
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Family Disruption and Delinquency , OJJDP, October 1999, NCJ 178285. (6 pages).
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Family Group Conferencing: Implications for Crime Victims , OVC, April 2000, NCJ 176347. (19 pages).
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Family Resource Guide on International Parental Kidnapping , OJJDP, January 2007, NCJ 215476. (164 pages).
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Family Resource Guide on International Parental Kidnapping (Spanish Version) , OJJDP, February 2002, NCJ 199832. (138 pages).
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Family Skills Training for Parents and Children , OJJDP, April 2000, NCJ 180140. (12 pages).
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Family Strengthening for High-Risk Youth , OJJDP, March 1994, FS 9804. (2 pages).
Family Violence in America: Breaking the Cycle for Children Who Witness: Recommendations from the 1997 IACP Summit , NIJ-Sponsored, 1997, NCJ 177992. (54 pages).
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Family Violence Prevention and Recovery Project, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2000, NCJ 185891. (79 pages).
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Family Violence Statistics: Including Statistics on Strangers and Acquaintances , BJS, June 2005, NCJ 207846. (76 pages).
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Family Violence: An Intervention Model for Dental Professionals , OVC, December 2004, NCJ 204004. (11 pages).
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FBI's CJIS Newsletter, Vol. 4, No. 1, NIBRS Edition , BJS, 2000, 231661.
Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2004 , OJJDP, January 2005, NCJ 207500. (46 pages).
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Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2005 , OJJDP, January 2006, NCJ 212757. (37 pages).
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Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2006 , OJJDP, December 2006, NCJ 218367. (45 pages).
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Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2007 , OJJDP, August 2007, NCJ 219500. (40 pages).
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Federal Advisory Committee on Juvenile Justice Annual Report 2008 , OJJDP, February 2009, NCJ 223723. (65 pages).
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Federal Civil Justice System , BJS, August 1987, NCJ 104769. (7 pages).
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The Federal Crime Victims Division , OVC, 1999, FS 000209.
Federal Criminal Appeals, 1999, With Trends 1985-99 , BJS, April 2001, NCJ 185055. (7 pages).
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Federal Criminal Case Processing, 1982-93 With Preliminary Data for 1994 , BJS, May 1996, NCJ 160088. (31 pages).
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Federal Criminal Case Processing, 1998, With Trends 1982-98, Reconciled Data , BJS, October 1999, NCJ 169277. (35 pages).
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Federal Criminal Case Processing, 1999: With Trends 1982-99, Reconciled Data , BJS, February 2001, NCJ 186180. (34 pages).
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Federal Criminal Case Processing, 2000: With Trends 1982-2000 , BJS, November 2001, NCJ 189737. (44 pages).
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Federal Criminal Case Processing, 2001: With Trends 1982-2001, Reconciled Data , BJS, January 2003, NCJ 197104. (41 pages).
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Federal Criminal Case Processing, 2002: With Trends 1982-2002, Reconciled Data , BJS, January 2005, NCJ 207447. (36 pages).
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Federal Criminal Justice Trends, 2003 , BJS, August 2006, NCJ 205331. (62 pages).
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Federal Drug Offenders, 1999: With Trends, 1984-99 , BJS, August 2001, NCJ 187285. (12 pages).
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Federal Efforts To Prevent and Reduce Juvenile Delinquency: FY 1995 Delinquency Development Statements , OJJDP, October 1996, NCJ 162781. (160 pages).
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Federal Enforcement of Environmental Laws, 1997 , BJS, November 1999, NCJ 175686. (10 pages).
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Federal Firearm Offenders, 1992-98: With Preliminary Data for 1999 , BJS, June 2000, NCJ 180795. (15 pages).
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Federal Firearms Cases, FY 2007 , BJS-Sponsored, November 2008, NCJ 224890. (36 pages).
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Federal Firearms Cases, FY2008 , BJS-Sponsored, January 2010, NCJ 229420. (27 pages).
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Federal Firearms-Related Offenses , BJS, July 1995, NCJ 148950. (2 pages).
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Federal Habeas Corpus Review: Challenging State Court Criminal Convictions , BJS, September 1995, NCJ 155504. (40 pages).
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Federal Intervention in Local Policing: Pittsburgh’s Experience with a Consent Decree , COPS, 2006, NCJ 212980. (52 pages).
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Federal Justice Statistics Program Data Linking System , BJS-Sponsored, August 2012, NCJ 239536. (73 pages).
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Federal Justice Statistics, 2005 , BJS, September 2008, NCJ 220383. (8 pages).
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Federal Justice Statistics, 2007 - Statistical Tables , BJS, August 2010, NCJ 230889. (76 pages).
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Federal Justice Statistics, 2008 - Statistical Tables , BJS, November 2010, NCJ 231822. (73 pages).
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Federal Justice Statistics, 2009 , BJS, December 2011, NCJ 234184. (22 pages).
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Federal Justice Statistics 2009 - Statistical Tables , BJS, December 2011, NCJ 233464. (62 pages).
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Federal Law Enforcement Dependents Assistance Program Fact Sheet , BJA, 1997, FS 000183.
Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 1993 , BJS, December 1994, NCJ 151166. (12 pages).
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Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 1996 , BJS, 1998, NCJ 164617. (12 pages).
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Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 1998 , BJS, March 2000, NCJ 177607. (13 pages).
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Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2000 , BJS, July 2001, NCJ 187231. (16 pages).
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Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2002 , BJS, August 2003, NCJ 199995. (16 pages).
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Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2004 , BJS, July 2006, NCJ 212750. (12 pages).
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Federal Law Enforcement Officers, 2008 , BJS, June 2012, NCJ 238250. (18 pages).
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Federal Offenders Under Community Supervision, 1987-96 , BJS, August 1998, NCJ 168636. (11 pages).
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Federal Offenders: Trends in Community Supervision , General Accounting Office, 1997, NCJ 173554. (40 pages).
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Federal Pretrial Release and Detention, 1996 , BJS, February 1999, NCJ 168635. (17 pages).
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Federal Prosecution of Child Sex Exploitation Offenders, 2006 , BJS, December 2007, NCJ 219412. (8 pages).
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Federal Prosecution of Human Trafficking, 2001-2005 , BJS, October 2006, NCJ 215248. (2 pages).
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Federal Register Announcement Concerning Comments on the National Crime Victimization Survey , BJS, 2000.
Federal Resources on Missing and Exploited Children: A Directory for Law Enforcement and Other Public and Private Agencies Sixth Edition , OJJDP, May 2011, NCJ 231619. (48 pages).
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Federal Surplus Property Program , BJA, August 2012, FS 000386.
Federal Surplus Real Property Transfer Program , BJA, 1995, FS 000045.
Federal Tort Trials and Verdicts, 1994-95 , BJS, December 1997, NCJ 165810. (9 pages).
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Federal Tort Trials and Verdicts, 1996-97 , BJS, February 1999, NCJ 172855. (10 pages).
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Federal Tort Trials and Verdicts, 2002-03 , BJS, August 2005, NCJ 208713. (12 pages).
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Federal-Local Law Enforcement Collaboration in Investigating and Prosecuting Urban Crime, 1982-1999: Drugs, Weapons, and Gangs, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2000, NCJ 201782. (210 pages).
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Felons Who Attempt To Purchase Guns: A Study of Prior and Subsequent Criminal Involvements , NIJ-Sponsored, 2000, NCJ 194051. (28 pages).
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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2006 , BJS, May 2010, NCJ 228944. (41 pages).
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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 1992 , BJS, July 1995, NCJ 148826. (51 pages).
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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 1994 , BJS, January 1998, NCJ 164616. (50 pages).
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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 1994, Executive Summary , BJS, January 1998, NCJ 167234. (3 pages).
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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 1996 , BJS, October 1999, NCJ 176981. (51 pages).
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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 1998 , BJS, November 2001, NCJ 187232. (50 pages).
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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2000 , BJS, December 2003, NCJ 202021. (52 pages).
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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2002 , BJS, February 2006, NCJ 210818. (54 pages).
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Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties, 2004 , BJS, April 2008, NCJ 221152. (4 pages).
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Felony Sentences in State Courts, 1992 , BJS, January 1995, NCJ 151167. (16 pages).
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Felony Sentences in State Courts, 1994 , BJS, January 1997, NCJ 163391. (16 pages).
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Felony Sentences in State Courts, 1996 , BJS, May 1999, NCJ 173939. (17 pages).
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Felony Sentences in State Courts, 1998 , BJS, October 2001, NCJ 190103. (15 pages).
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Felony Sentences in State Courts, 2000 , BJS, June 2003, NCJ 198821. (12 pages).
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Felony Sentences in State Courts, 2002 , BJS, December 2004, NCJ 206916. (12 pages).
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Felony Sentences in State Courts, 2004 , BJS, July 2007, NCJ 215646. (4 pages).
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Felony Sentences in State Courts, 2006 - Statistical Tables , BJS, December 2009, NCJ 226846. (34 pages).
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Felony Sentences in the United States, 1992 , BJS, May 1996, NCJ 153257. (11 pages).
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Felony Sentences in the United States, 1994 , BJS, July 1997, NCJ 165149. (11 pages).
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Felony Sentences in the United States, 1996 , BJS, July 1999, NCJ 175045. (11 pages).
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Female Delinquency Cases, 1997 , OJJDP, November 2000, FS 200016. (2 pages).
Female Gang Involvement in a Midwestern City: Correlates, Nature and Meanings , NIJ-Sponsored, December 1996, NCJ 179979. (453 pages).
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Female Gangs: A Focus on Research , OJJDP, March 2001, NCJ 186159. (12 pages).
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Female Offenders in the Juvenile Justice System: Statistics Summary , OJJDP, June 1996, NCJ 160941. (40 pages).
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Female Victims of Violence , BJS, September 2009, NCJ 228356. (8 pages).
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Female Victims of Violent Crime , BJS, December 1996, NCJ 162602. (3 pages).
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Field Detection of Drugs and Explosives by SPME-IMS , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2012, NCJ 237837. (275 pages).
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Field Evaluation of the ShotSpotter Gunshot Location System: Final Report on the Redwood City Field Trial , NIJ-Sponsored, 1999, NCJ 180112. (79 pages).
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Field Evaluation of the System for the Effective Control of Urban Environment Security (SECURES): Final Report on the Dallas Field Trial , NIJ-Sponsored, 1999, NCJ 180113. (152 pages).
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Field Test of Current Technology Used in the Identification of Unidentified Remains , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 220297. (80 pages).
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Fifty State Survey of Juvenile Sex Offender Registration Requirements , NIC, 2012, NCJ 238693. (254 pages).
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Fighting Crime with COPS and Citizens , NIJ, June 2002, 231665.
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Fighting Juvenile Gun Violence , OJJDP, September 2000, NCJ 182679. (12 pages).
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Fighting Urban Crime: The Evolution of Federal-Local Collaboration, Research in Brief , NIJ, December 2003, NCJ 197040. (19 pages).
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Filing a Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program Appeal , BJA, 2010, NCJ 231308. (2 pages).
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Filing a Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program Death Claim: Checklist , BJA, 2010, NCJ 231309. (4 pages).
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Filing a Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) Program Disability Claim , BJA, 2010, NCJ 231310. (2 pages).
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Filling a Critical Need by Establishing a Fully Functioning, CODIS Dedicated Laboratory , NIJ-Sponsored, June 2012, NCJ 238909. (101 pages).
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Final Activities Report for the National Communications Interoperability Assessment Project , NIJ-Sponsored, June 2002, NCJ 198178. (4 pages).
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Final Assessment of the Strategic Approaches to Community Safety Initiative in New Haven , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2003, NCJ 208859. (83 pages).
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Final Findings From the Expert Panel on the Safety of Conducted Energy Devices , NIJ, October 2011, NCJ 235894. (4 pages).
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Final Grant Report of the Law Enforcement Assistance & Development (LEAD) Program: Reduction of Familial and Organizational Stress in Law Enforcement , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 192277. (87 pages).
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Final Outcomes of Project ROAR: A Discussion of Findings and Implications for Future Research , NIJ-Sponsored, 1998, NCJ 179978. (48 pages).
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Final Report Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Under Public Law 280 , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 222585. (568 pages).
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Final Report of Outcomes for the Ozark Correctional Center Drug Treatment Program , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2000, NCJ 181649. (36 pages).
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the Boys Town Short-Term Residential Treatment Program for Girls , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2010, NCJ 234514. (379 pages).
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the First Offender Prostitution Program , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2008, NCJ 221894. (245 pages).
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the First Offender Prostitution Program: Report Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2008, NCJ 222451. (17 pages).
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration Volume 2: Findings and Lessons on Implementation , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 219383. (155 pages).
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration: Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 219386. (27 pages).
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration Volume 1: The Impact of JOD in Dorchester and Washtenaw County , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 219382. (359 pages).
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration Volume 3: Findings from Focus Groups with JOD Victims and Offenders , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 219384. (99 pages).
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the Judicial Oversight Demonstration Volume 4: Findings Report on Survey Methodology , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 219385. (68 pages).
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Final Report on the Evaluation of the SAGE Project's LIFESKILLS and GRACE Programs , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2011, NCJ 234464. (371 pages).
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Final Report: Participatory Evaluation of the Lummi Nation's Community Mobilization Against Drugs Initiative/Bureau of Justice Assistance's Indian Alcohol and Substance Abuse Demonstration Project , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2008, NCJ 222741. (132 pages).
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Final Report: Participatory Evaluation of the Sisseton Wahepton Oyate IASAP Demonstration Project , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2007, NCJ 222740. (72 pages).
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Final Report: Participatory Evaluation of the Tribal Victim Assistance Programs at the Lummi Nation and Passamaquoddy Tribe , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2009, NCJ 228190. (159 pages).
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Final Report: Predictive Models for Law Enforcement , NIJ-Sponsored, 2002, NCJ 197634. (133 pages).
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Final Report: Sexual Assault Among Latinas (SALAS) Study , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2010, NCJ 230445. (187 pages).
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Final Technical Report Draft: Assessing Police Use of Force Policy and Outcomes , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2011, NCJ 237794. (287 pages).
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Final Technical Report for In-Car Video Project , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2011, NCJ 233344. (16 pages).
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Final Technical Report: Habeas Litigation in U.S. District Courts: An Empirical Study of Habeas Corpus Cases Filed by State Prisoners Under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 219559. (127 pages).
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Final Technical Report: Habeas Litigation in U.S. District Courts: An Empirical Study of Habeas Corpus Cases Filed by State Prisoners Under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (Executive Summary) , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 219558. (13 pages).
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Final Technical Report: Neighborhoods, Recidivism, and Employment Among Returning Prisoners , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2011, NCJ 236436. (132 pages).
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Finally Getting Victims Their Due: A Process Evaluation of the NCVLI Victims' Rights Clinics , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2009, NCJ 228389. (298 pages).
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Finally Getting Victims Their Due: A Process Evaluation of the NCVLI Victims' Rights Clinics, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2009, NCJ 228390. (8 pages).
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Financial Abuse of Elderly People vs. Other Forms of Elder Abuse: Assessing Their Dynamics, Risk Factors, and Society's Response , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2011, NCJ 233613. (608 pages).
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Financial Crimes Against the Elderly , COPS, September 2003, NCJ 201915. (88 pages).
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Financial Investigations Program , BJA, November 1995, FS 000112.
Finding Confidence in Evidence-Based Policies - Interview at the 2010 NIJ Conference , NIJ, June 2010, NCJ 234684.
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Finding Victims of Human Trafficking , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2008, NCJ 224393. (93 pages).
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Findings About Partner Violence From the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Health and Development Study, Research in Brief , NIJ, July 1999, NCJ 170018. (12 pages).
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Findings From the Evaluation of OJJDP's Gang Reduction Program , OJJDP, December 2010, NCJ 230106. (20 pages).
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Findings from the Evaluation of the D.C. Superior Court Drug Intervention Program , NIJ-Sponsored, May 1999, NCJ 181894. (169 pages).
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Findings From the Safe Kids/Safe Streets National Evaluation: KidSafe, Burlington, Vermont , NIJ-Sponsored, 2004, NCJ 210280. (10 pages).
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Findings From the Safe Kids/Safe Streets National Evaluation: KIDSAFE, Kansas City, Missouri , NIJ-Sponsored, 2004, NCJ 210279. (10 pages).
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Findings From the Safe Kids/Safe Streets National Evaluation: Safe Kids/Safe Streets, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan , NIJ-Sponsored, 2004, NCJ 210277. (10 pages).
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Findings From the Safe Kids/Safe Streets National Evaluation: Safe Kids/Safe Streets, Toledo, Ohio , NIJ-Sponsored, 2004, NCJ 210278. (10 pages).
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Fingerprint Identification: The Role of Research in Fortifying the Forensic Sciences - Expert Chat Webinar, NIJ and Harvard's Government Innovators Network , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2007, NCJ 234731.
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The Fingerprint Sourcebook , NIJ, July 2011, NCJ 225320. (287 pages).
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Fire and Arson Scene Evidence: A Guide for Public Safety Personnel , NIJ, June 2000, NCJ 181584. (78 pages).
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Fire and Explosion Investigations and Forensic Analyses: Near- and Long-Term Needs Assessment for State and Local Law Enforcement , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2008, NCJ 225085. (370 pages).
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Fire Dynamics and Forensic Analysis of Limited Ventilation Compartment Fires Volume 1: Experimental , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2009, NCJ 230164. (194 pages).
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Fire Dynamics and Forensic Analysis of Limited Ventilation Compartment Fires Volume 2: Modeling , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2009, NCJ 230165. (214 pages).
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Fire Dynamics and Forensic Analysis of Liquid Fuel Fires , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2011, NCJ 238704. (237 pages).
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Fire Pattern Repeatability: A Laboratory Study on Gypsum Wallboard , NIJ-Sponsored, September 2010, NCJ 234312. (12 pages).
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Firearm Injury and Death from Crime, 1993-97 , BJS, October 2000, NCJ 182993. (8 pages).
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Firearm Injury From Crime , BJS, April 1996, NCJ 160093. (7 pages).
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Firearm Use by Offenders: 1997 Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities , BJS, November 2001, NCJ 189369. (16 pages).
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Firearms and Violence, Research in Brief , NIJ, December 1994, NCJ 145533. (7 pages).
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First Judicial District Arrest Policies Project: Santa Fe, New Mexico , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2000, NCJ 201887. (23 pages).
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First Offender Prostitution Program - Interview at the National Institute of Justice , NIJ, August 2009, NCJ 234702.
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First Response to Victims of Crime , OVC, 2000, NCJ 176971. (28 pages).
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First Response to Victims of Crime (VHS) ,  (Videotape), OVC, April 2008, NCJ 211618.
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First Response to Victims of Crime -- Japanese , OVC, December 2001, NCJ 201127. (31 pages).
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First Response to Victims of Crime, 2001 , OVC, December 2001, NCJ 189631. (34 pages).
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First Response to Victims of Crime (DVD) ,  (DVD), OVC, April 2008, NCJ 211619.
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First Response to Victims of Crime: A Guidebook for Law Enforcement Officers , OVC, July 2010, NCJ 231171. (98 pages).
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Fiscal Year 2002 Report on the Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grants Program , NIJ, August 2003, NCJ 233972. (2 pages).
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Fiscal Year 2003 Report on the Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grants Program , NIJ, August 2004, NCJ 233973. (5 pages).
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Fiscal Year 2004 Report on the Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grants Program , NIJ, August 2005, NCJ 233974. (14 pages).
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Fiscal Year 2005 Report on the Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grants Program , NIJ, August 2006, NCJ 233975. (19 pages).
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Fiscal Year 2006 Report on the Paul Coverdell Forensic Sciences Improvement Grants Program , NIJ, August 2007, NCJ 233976. (24 pages).
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Fiscal Year 2007 Report on the Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program , NIJ, August 2008, NCJ 233977. (16 pages).
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Fiscal Year 2008 Report on the Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program , NIJ, August 2009, NCJ 233978. (16 pages).
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Fiscal Year 2009 Report on the Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvements Grant Program , NIJ, August 2010, NCJ 233945. (18 pages).
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Fiscal Year 2010 Report on the Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program , NIJ, 2011, NCJ 238140. (2 pages).
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Fiscal Year 2011 Report on the Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program , NIJ, 2012, NCJ 238141. (2 pages).
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Five Year Outcomes in a Randomized Trial of a Community-Based Multi-Agency Intensive Supervision Juvenile Probation Program , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2010, NCJ 232621. (49 pages).
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Flammable and Combustible Liquid Spill/Burn Patterns , NIJ, March 2001, NCJ 186634. (52 pages).
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Florida Elder Abuse Survey , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2008, NCJ 226144. (173 pages).
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Florida Law Enforcement Research Coalition -- Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2000, NCJ 182366. (9 pages).
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Flow of Criminal Justice Statistical Information by Electronic Means , BJS, 1996, NCJ 172806. (11 pages).
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Focus Group on Scientific and Forensic Evidence in the Courtroom , NIJ-Sponsored, 2007, NCJ 220692. (24 pages).
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FOCUS I Survey and Final Report: A Summary of the Findings: Families Officers and Corrections Understanding Stress , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2001, NCJ 188094. (82 pages).
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Focus on Accountability: Best Practices for Juvenile Court and Probation , OJJDP, August 1999, NCJ 177611. (12 pages).
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Focus Program, Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 186768. (7 pages).
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Focus Program, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 186762. (65 pages).
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Focusing on the Clients of Street Prostitutes: A Creative Approach to Reducing Violence Against Women -- Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, October 1999, NCJ 182860. (79 pages).
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Focusing on the Clients of Street Prostitutes: A Creative Approach to Reducing Violence Against Women -- Summary Report , NIJ-Sponsored, October 1999, NCJ 182859. (9 pages).
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Follow-The-Money Methods in Crime Control Policy , Nathanson Centre for the Study of Organized Crime and Corruption, December 1999, NCJ 194004. (57 pages).
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Forensic Accreditation Board: An Accreditation Program for Forensic Specialty Programs , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2001, NCJ 189029. (19 pages).
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Forensic Applications of Y Chromosome STRs and SNPs , NIJ-Sponsored, 2005, NCJ 211979. (50 pages).
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Forensic Aspects of Elder Abuse - Panel at the 2010 NIJ Conference , NIJ, June 2010, NCJ 234759.
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Forensic Examination of Digital Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement , NIJ, April 2004, NCJ 199408. (101 pages).
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Forensic Glass Analysis by LA-ICP-MS: Assessing the Feasibility of Correlating Windshield Composition and Supplier , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2010, NCJ 232134. (125 pages).
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Forensic Information Data Exchange and the Partnership Between Law Enforcement and Crime Laboratories - Panel at the 2010 NIJ Conference , NIJ, June 2010, NCJ 234775.
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Forensic Investigation Techniques for Inspecting Electrical Conductors Involved in Fire , NIJ-Sponsored, July 2012, NCJ 239052. (218 pages).
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Forensic Laboratories: Handbook for Facility Planning, Design, Construction, and Moving , NIJ, 1998, NCJ 168106. (71 pages).
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Forensic Pathology on Both Sides of the Pond, presented by Drs. Michael Baden and Peter Dean , NIJ-Sponsored, April 2005, NCJ 217851.
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Forensic Science: Bringing New Technology Into the Crime Lab , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2000, NCJ 181656. (9 pages).
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Forensic Sciences: Review of Status and Needs , NIJ, February 1999, NCJ 173412. (71 pages).
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Forensic Stain Identification By RT-PCR Analysis , NIJ-Sponsored, November 2008, NCJ 226809. (129 pages).
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Forensic Stain Identification By RT-PCR Analysis (Updated) , NIJ-Sponsored, 2011, NCJ 236537. (88 pages).
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Forensic Toxicology Research and Development Evaluation of New and Novel Direct Sample Introduction, Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (AccuTOF-DART) Instrument for Postmortem Toxicology Screening, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2008, NCJ 224522. (321 pages).
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Forging a Florida Correctional Research Coalition: Evaluating the Impact of Florida's Habitual Offender Law, Final Report , NIJ-Sponsored, June 1999, NCJ 192995. (155 pages).
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Forgoing Criminal Justice Assistance: The Non-Reporting of New Incidents of Abuse in a Court Sample of Domestic Violence Victims , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2003, NCJ 195667. (43 pages).
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Forming a Multidisciplinary Team To Investigate Child Abuse , OJJDP, March 2000, NCJ 170020. (28 pages).
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Formula Grants Program , OJJDP, October 2009, NCJ 227470. (4 pages).
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Fort Worth's Comprehensive Communities Program: A Case Study , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2004, NCJ 204626. (61 pages).
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The Fortune Academy: Housing for Homeless Ex-Prisoners From Dream to Reality , OWS, 2003, NCJ 204806. (13 pages).
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Fostering Imagination in Fighting Trafficking: Comparing Strategies and Policies To Fight Sex Trafficking in the U.S. and Sweden , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2008, NCJ 223060. (61 pages).
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Four-One-One Bullying , OJJDP-Sponsored, September 2004, NCJ 226235. (40 pages).
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Of Fragmentation and Ferment: The Impact of State Sentencing Policies on Incarceration Rates, 1975-2002 , NIJ-Sponsored, August 2005, NCJ 213003. (225 pages).
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Fragmentation of Sentencing and Corrections in America, Research in Brief , NIJ, September 1999, NCJ 175721. (8 pages).
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Framework for High Performance Prosecutorial Services , BJA-Sponsored, 2011, NCJ 237761. (28 pages).
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Framework for Improving Cross-Sector Coordination for Emergency Preparedness and Response: Action Steps for Public Health, Law Enforcement, the Judiciary and Corrections , BJA-Sponsored, July 2008, NCJ 223342. (51 pages).
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Fraud Control in the Health Care Industry: Assessing the State of the Art, Research in Brief , NIJ, December 1998, NCJ 172841. (11 pages).
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Fraud Victimization--The Extent, the Targets, the Effects , NIJ, February 1995, NCJ 184353. (2 pages).
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Free Text Conversion and Semantic Analysis Survey: Status Update-January 2006 , NIJ-Sponsored, January 2006, NCJ 219548. (108 pages).
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Frequently Asked Questions About Weed and Seed DEFY (Drug Education for Youth) , OWS, 2003, NCJ 204810. (10 pages).
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From Inception to Implementation: How SACPA has affected the Case Processing and Sentencing of Drug Offenders in One California County , NIJ-Sponsored, 2008, NCJ 223468. (317 pages).
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From Pain to Power: Crime Victims Take Action , OVC, 1998, NCJ 166604. (55 pages).
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From Policy to Practice: State Methamphetamine Precursor Control Policies , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2007, NCJ 228133. (142 pages).
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From Prison Safety to Public Safety: Innovations in Offender Reentry , NIJ-Sponsored, March 2002, NCJ 196464. (34 pages).
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From Prison to Home: Women's Pathways In and Out of Crime , NIJ-Sponsored, May 2009, NCJ 226812. (243 pages).
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From Problem Solving to Crime Suppression to Community Mobilization: An Evaluation of the St. Louis Consent-to-Search Program , NIJ-Sponsored, February 2001, NCJ 188291. (27 pages).
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From the Academy to Retirement: A Journey Through the Policing Lifecycle - NIJ Research for the Real World Seminar , NIJ, December 2009, NCJ 234694.
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From the Courthouse to the Schoolhouse: Making Successful Transitions , OJJDP, March 2000, NCJ 178900. (16 pages).
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From Whether to How Drug Courts Work: Retrospective Evaluation of Drug Courts in Clark County (Las Vegas) and Multnomah County (Portland), Executive Summary , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 194125. (71 pages).
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From Whether to How Drug Courts Work: Retrospective Evaluation of Drug Courts in Clark County (Las Vegas) and Multnomah County (Portland) , NIJ-Sponsored, 2001, NCJ 194124. (403 pages).
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Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey , NIJ, November 2000, NCJ 183781. (74 pages).
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Full Response to an Empty House: Public Safety Strategies for Addressing Mortgage Fraud and the Foreclosure Crisis , BJA, May 2010, NCJ 230465. (42 pages).
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Functional Family Therapy , OJJDP, December 2000, NCJ 184743. (8 pages).
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Fundamentals of Forensic Pigment Identification by Raman Microspectroscopy: A Practical Identification Guide and Spectral Library for Forensic Science Laboratories , NIJ-Sponsored, November 2011, NCJ 237050. (572 pages).
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Funding Community Policing to Reduce Crime: Have COPS Grants Made a Difference from 1994 to 2000? , COPS, December 2004, NCJ 207917. (61 pages).
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Funding Court Appointed Special Advocate Programs , OVC, 1998, FS 000208.
Fusion Center Technology Guide , BJA-Sponsored, April 2009, NCJ 233419. (22 pages).
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Fusion Center Technology Resources Road Map: Elements of an Enterprise Architecture for State and Major Urban Area Fusion Centers , BJA-Sponsored, April 2009, NCJ 233418. (15 pages).
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The Future is Now: Recruiting, Retaining, and Developing the 21st Century Jail Workforce , BJA-Sponsored, March 2009, NCJ 229407. (248 pages).
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Future of Crime Prevention: Developmental and Situational Strategies , NIJ-Sponsored, December 2010, NCJ 237329. (66 pages).
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Future of Forensic DNA Testing: Predictions of the Research and Development Working Group , NIJ, November 2000, NCJ 183697. (93 pages).
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Future of Parole as a Key Partner in Assuring Public Safety , NIC, June 2011, NCJ 234934. (29 pages).
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FY 1996 Discretionary Grant Program Awards , BJA, 1997, NCJ 163919. (65 pages).
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FY 1997 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program , BJA, 1997, FS 000182.
FY 1997 Metropolitan Firefighter and Emergency Services National Training , BJA, 1997, FS 000185.
FY 1997 State Identification Systems Grants Program , BJA, 1997, FS 000175.
FY 1998 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program: Public Safety Officers' Health Benefits Provision , BJA, 1998, FS 000188.
FY 1998 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program , BJA, 1998, FS 000152.
FY 2000 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program , BJA, 2000, FS 000262.
FY 2000 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program , BJA, 2000, FS 000260.
FY 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program , BJA, 2001, FS 000268.
FY 2001 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program , BJA, June 2001, FS 000269.
FY 2002 Crime Lab Improvement Program , NIJ-Sponsored, October 2005, NCJ 211761. (14 pages).
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FY 2002 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program (LLEBG) , BJA, May 2002, NCJ 193494. (4 pages).
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FY 2002 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program , BJA, December 2001, FS 000283.

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