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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 237144     Find in a Library
Title: Evidence-Based Policy, Practice, and Decisionmaking: Implications for Paroling Authorities
Author(s): Madeline Carter
Corporate Author: Ctr for Effective Public Policy
United States
Date Published: 03/2011
Page Count: 42
Sponsoring Agency: National Institute of Corrections
United States
Contract Number: 08C79GJY0
Sale Source: National Institute of Corrections
320 First Street, NW
Washington, DC 20534
United States
Document: PDF 
Type: Instructional materials ; Issue overviews
Language: English
Country: United States
Annotation: The second in a series of five papers on “Parole Essentials: Practical Guides for Parole Leaders,” this paper examines findings that have emerged from research on evidence-based practice and decisionmaking in parole and the implications of these findings for paroling authorities.
Abstract: The research reviewed, along with its implications, are applied to the paroling authorities’ goal of risk reduction through the prevention of future crime and victimization. It does not intend to speak to other sanctioning goals. In chapter 1, the term “evidence-based” is defined both from the broad perspective of an organizational business model and from the more focused perspective of improving offender outcomes. This discussion constitutes the background for the rest of the paper, which focuses on paroling authorities’ role in helping to reduce recidivism. The chapter concludes with a brief discussion about risk-reduction in the context of the other criminal justice sanctioning goals. Chapter 2 summarizes key research conclusions related to reducing recidivism and suggests policy implications of these findings for paroling authorities. Chapter 3 explores the notion that paroling authorities are part of a much longer system responsible for offender management and outcomes. A framework for establishing a system of evidence-based organizations is offered, with attention to the role of paroling authorities. Chapter 4 reviews the differences between various “grades” of research and suggests an approach for assessing the degree to which confidence can be placed in one research finding compared with another. The chapter concludes with suggestions regarding the ways in which organizations, especially those with limited research capacity, can keep pace with emerging research findings. Chapter 5 outlines the major advantages of the evidence-based model of management and goal-setting for paroling authorities. Recommendations are offered for building stronger organizations, advancing evidence-based work, and improving the outcome for offenders over whom they exercise authority. Approximately 100 references
Main Term(s): Corrections policies
Index Term(s): Probation or parole decisionmaking ; Probation or parole agencies ; Parole ; Research uses in policymaking ; Parole casework ; Parole effectiveness
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