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NCJ Number: NCJ 213592   Add to Shopping cart   Find in a Library
Title: Exploitation of Trafficked Women
Author(s): Graeme R. Newman
Date Published: 02/2006
Page Count: 98
Sponsoring Agency: Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
US Dept of Justice
United States
Grant Number: 2003-CKWX0087
Publication Number: ISBN 1-932582-59-2
Sale Source: NCJRS Photocopy Services
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849-6000
United States

Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
US Dept of Justice
Two Constitutional Square
145 N Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20530
United States
Document: Text PDF 
Agency Summary: Agency Summary 
Type: Reference material
Language: English
Country: United States
Annotation: This guide describes the problem of trafficking in women, discusses how to analyze the local problem, and presents recommendations for law enforcement responses.
Abstract: Designed for police officers of any rank and assignment, the Problem-Specific Guides summarize knowledge about how police can analyze and reduce particular crime problems in local communities. This guide focuses on the exploitation of trafficked women, describing the scope of the problem, related problems, and factors that contribute to the exploitation of trafficked women. The guide identifies a series of questions to help law enforcement analyze the extent and characteristics of the local problem. Questions help officers gauge the level of community and police awareness of human trafficking, as well as the marketing and recruiting techniques of traffickers; venues commonly used by traffickers; characteristics of incidents, victims, and offenders; and current responses to the exploitation of trafficked women. Officers are advised on how to measure the effectiveness of local efforts to reduce and prevent the exploitation of trafficked women and general considerations for effective law enforcement responses are outlined. Effective response strategies are presented and include preparatory responses for identifying the problem and specific responses for reducing and preventing the problem. Specific responses involve three main approaches: (1) enforcing laws against traffickers and men who purchase sex; (2) reducing the demand for trafficked women; and (3) making the local environment inhospitable to the exploitation of trafficked women. Responses with limited effectiveness are also outlined so that law enforcement officers can avoid them; these include legalizing prostitution and punishing prostitutes. Tables, boxes, figures, appendixes, endnotes, references, recommended readings
Main Term(s): Problem oriented policing ; Human Trafficking
Index Term(s): Sex discrimination ; Crime prevention planning
Note: Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Problem-Specific Guides Series No. 38. Downloaded March 27, 2006.
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