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NCJ Number: NCJ 204805     Find in a Library
Title: Executive Office for Weed and Seed: Site Coordinator Training Guide, May 2003
Corporate Author: US Dept of Justice, Executive Office for Weed and Seed
Community Capacity Development Office (CCDO)
United States
Date Published: 05/2003
Page Count: 50
Sale Source: National Institute of Justice/NCJRS
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849
United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849-6000
United States
Document: PDF 
Type: Training handbooks/manuals
Language: English
Country: United States
Annotation: This manual provides information and guidelines pertinent to the responsibilities and functions of a Weed-and-Seed site coordinator, who is a full-time "hands-on" person working in the Weed-and-Seed neighborhood as a link between the residents of the neighborhood, the Safe Haven staff, law enforcement officials, and the site's Steering Committee.
Abstract: Operation Weed and Seed, which is administered by the U.S. Justice Department's Executive Office for Weed and Seed (EOWS), is a community-based strategy that aims to prevent, control, and reduce violent crime, drug abuse, and gang activity in designated high-crime neighborhoods across the country. The site coordinator must often make decisions that reflect the visions and goals of the site strategy and the community stakeholders, as well as monitor the site's compliance with EOWS policies and overall grant requirements. The knowledge areas addressed in this training manual are roles and responsibilities, collaborations and relationship with partners, strategy development and implementation, sustainability, technology, and programmatic and financial requirements. The overall goal of this training is to provide site coordinators with an understanding of the broad range of responsibilities they must fulfill in facilitating the implementation of the Weed-and-Seed strategy. Each training section presents the objectives of that section, along with the personal attributes and skills needed by the site coordinator to perform the tasks discussed. The manual contains a list of experienced site coordinators who can be contacted for advice. Appended sample position descriptions, sample operational policies and procedures, a grant administration manual, Office of Comptroller contact information, and instructions on how to obtain technical assistance from EOWS
Main Term(s): Community crime prevention programs
Index Term(s): Curriculum ; Staff development training ; Community relations ; Community involvement ; Violence prevention ; Weed and seed programs ; Gang prevention
Note: Downloaded March 25, 2004.
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