The e-newsletter of the COPS Office | Volume 2 | Issue 6 | June 2009

Attacking Mortgage Fraud in Florida

Florida House Facing a wave of mortgage fraud investigations, the Miami-Dade Police Department took action by implementing Mayor Carlos Alvarez’s Mortgage Fraud Task Force in September 2007. Read More

One on One with…
the Salt Lake City Meth and Drug Initiative

The Salt Lake City Meth and Drug Initiative recently celebrated 10 years of fostering successful partnerships by expanding from focusing solely on methamphetamine to examining the problem of prescription drug abuse in Utah. Read More

Moving Beyond the Vision:
Arizona Moves from Planning to Action

Sky Arizona is at the tip of the spear in our nation’s efforts to combat methamphetamine. Forty-three percent of the methamphetamine coming into the United States from Mexico comes across the Arizona border... Read More

The Role of Crime Analysis in Patrol Work:
New Developments

In January 2009, the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services and the Police Executive Research Forum, held five focus group meetings to discuss the current use of crime analysis... Read More


Recovery Logo Earlier this year, the COPS Office was appropriated $1 billion through the Recovery Act for the COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP), a competitive grant program designed ... Read More

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