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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 187345     Find in a Library
Title: NIJ Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships: Evaluation of Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies for Domestic Violence, Executive Summary
Author(s): Jennifer A. Mastrofski Ph.D. ; Debra Derman ; Elizabeth Phillips ; Gary Woodling
Corporate Author: Pennsylvania State University
United States
Date Published: 2001
Page Count: 9
Sponsoring Agency: National Institute of Justice
US Dept Justice
Office of Justice Programs
United States
Grant Number: 1998-WE-VX-K012
Sale Source: Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849-6000
United States
Document: PDF 
Agency Summary: Agency Summary 
Type: Program/project description/evaluations
Language: English
Country: United States
Annotation: This report summarizes the results of a process evaluation of a grant project of the State College Police Department concerned with encouraging arrest policies for domestic violence that was funded between 1998 and 2000.
Abstract: The process evaluation was designed to correspond with the first 18 months of the grant project. Funded as a researcher-practitioner partnership grant in Pennsylvania, the process evaluation was based on a long-term collaborative relationship between the primary researcher and practitioners. Project goals were to expand mandatory arrest policies, update and expand domestic violence training, and improve case tracking and victim services, as well as centralize efforts by police, prosecution, probation and parole, and the judiciary in handling domestic violence cases. The process evaluated goals and objectives of the grant project in four areas--training, tracking and monitoring, safety audit and case management, and victim services. The process evaluation indicated practitioners faced the challenge of balancing cooperation with the evaluation and meeting obligations to victims. Commitment and time had significant impacts on data collection in the grant project as well. Practitioners were more than willing to provide needed information for the process evaluation but did not have time to meet requested deadlines. The process evaluation reinforced the importance of collaboration between researchers and practitioners on a continual basis throughout a project.
Main Term(s): Police policies and procedures
Index Term(s): Grants or contracts ; Victim services ; Domestic assault ; Arrest procedures ; Victims of violence ; Case management ; NIJ grant-related documents ; Pennsylvania
Note: See NCJ-187347 for Final Report
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