Justice for Victims. Justice for All.
Office for Victims of Crime

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The News Media’s Coverage of Crime and Victimization Video Preview Transcript

[Image of crime victims hugging each other, with media cameras in background; dissolve into a row of cameramen and photographers.]
[voice over]:

Intense media interest and competition for stories relating to crime is more profound than ever before.

[Image dissolves into cameramen and reporters crowding around a walking person(s); dissolve into newspapers on printing press; dissolve into cameramen following crisis response personnel up to a yellow police tape stretched across the street.]
[voice over]:

News media often play an important positive role in advancing public safety and crime control.

[Image dissolves into a crowd of media professionals conducting interviews and filming outside a building; dissolve into close-up of one reporter and interviewee.]
[voice over]:

But the intense competition that’s part of the effort, along with the insensitivity of some journalists, can result in disaster for victims of crime.

[Image dissolves into text that describes program content; onscreen text matches voice over.]
[voice over]:

This program examines how the news media cover crime and victimization, what can be done to help victims deal with the coverage, and how victim service providers can work together to promote timely, sensitive coverage.

[OVC logo screen]
Office for Victims of Crime
Advocating for the Fair Treatment of Crime Victims

[title screen]
The News Media’s Coverage of Crime and Victimization

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