Early Bird Formats  documents
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The web page version of the Early Bird is available in a single file format. To print the entire Early Bird in one document, go to the single file format and click the PRINT command in your browser. (NOTE: The single file format is a long document and can use 50 or more pages of paper.)

The complete Early Bird is also available for download as a standard 32 bit zipped file. The Early Bird is also available for download in a 4-column PDF Format. (NOTE: To view the 4-column format you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer. You can download it from the Adobe Acrobat website.)

EarlyBird items can be viewed through your favorite RSS reader by pointing to http://ebird.osd.mil/ebfiles/cnsebird.xml. RSS content, however, will be limited to the most current EarlyBird items and will not supply data for the past two weeks.