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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 239037     Find in a Library
Title: Supporting Crime Victims With Disabilities Curriculum (English)
Corporate Author: Office for Victims of Crime, Training and Technical Assistance Ctr (TTAC)
United States
Date Published: 08/2012
Page Count: 2
Sale Source: Office for Victims of Crime, Training and Technical Assistance Ctr (TTAC)
10530 Rosehaven Street
Suite 400
Fairfax, VA 22030
United States
Document: HTML 
Type: Reference material
Language: English
Country: United States
Annotation: This material provides information to facilitate collaboration between professionals in the victim services and disabilities fields to support crime victims who have disabilities.
Abstract: This material provides victim service providers, advocates for people with disabilities, self-advocates, and allied professionals training material to support a 3-day training model. Case studies are provided to facilitate small group discussions to better examine the prevalence of crime against people with disabilities, perceptions of the criminal justice system, tenets of the disabilities movement, and the impact of disabilities on daily life. Collaborative activities promote and identify ways the various agencies, organizations, and systems can work together to better serve crime victims with disabilities. Specific training topics include: understanding applicable laws and reporting requirements; overcoming situational, personal, and communication challenges; fostering multidisciplinary collaboration; an overview of crime and victims of crime; applicable laws and concepts; identifying common ground amongst professional roles in the crime victim and disability service professions; overcoming situational challenges such as accessible and supportive space for victims of crime; overcoming personal challenges of how personal value systems influence the attitudes and work of the professional service provider; overcoming communication challenges and guidelines for interacting effectively with crime victims and service animals; reporting requirements and confidentiality issues; and collaborating for maximum impact. An agenda, assessment, pre-assignment, instructor and participant manuals, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets and activity schedules; evaluation forms; and available video information are provided for download and print.
Main Term(s): Victim services ; Victim services training
Index Term(s): Victims ; Services effectiveness ; Victims' rights ; CJ response to victims ; Americans with Disabilities Act
Note: See NCJ-239038 for the Spanish Version
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