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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 208756   Add to Shopping cart   Find in a Library
Title: Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 2003
Corporate Author: Hindelang Criminal Justice Research Ctr
State University of New York at Albany
United States
Editor(s): Ann L. Pastore ; Kathleen Maguire
Date Published: 2005
Page Count: 662
Sponsoring Agency: Bureau of Justice Statistics
US Dept of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
United States
Grant Number: 2005-BJ-R-005
Publication Number: ISBN 0-16-073301-4
Sale Source: Justice Statistics Clearinghouse/NCJRS
P.O. Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849
United States

Superintendent of Documents
Congressional Sales Office GPO
Washington, DC 20402
United States
Document: HTML PDF 
Agency Summary: Agency Summary 
Type: Statistical data
Language: English
Country: United States
Annotation: The Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 2003, the 31st edition, presents a broad spectrum of criminal justice data from more than 100 sources in 6 sections: characteristics of the criminal justice systems, public attitudes toward crime and criminal justice topics, the nature and distribution of known offenses, characteristics and distribution of persons arrested, judicial processing of defendants, and persons under correctional supervision.
Abstract: Nearly all the data presented are nationwide in scope and, where possible, they are displayed by regions, States, and cities to increase their value for local decisionmakers and for comparative analyses. The report includes over 600 tables, figures, subject index, annotated bibliography, technical appendixes with definitions and methodology, and list of source publishers and their addresses.
Main Term(s): Criminal justice statistics
Index Term(s): Offender statistics ; Arrest statistics ; Offense statistics ; Court statistics ; Corrections statistics ; BJS grant-related documents
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