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NCJ Number: NCJ 193431   Add to Shopping cart   Find in a Library
Title: Street Prostitution
Author(s): Michael S. Scott
Date Published: 08/06/2001
Page Count: 53
Sponsoring Agency: California Agriculture Experiment Station
United States
Grant Number: 99-CK-WX-K004
Sale Source: NCJRS Photocopy Services
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849-6000
United States

California Agriculture Experiment Station
University of California
CA United States
Document: PDF 
Type: Instructional materials
Language: English
Country: United States
Annotation: After identifying reasons why police should be concerned about street prostitution, this guide identifies factors that contribute to street prostitution, suggests a strategy for analyzing a local problem, and profiles strategies for responding to street prostitution.
Abstract: Reasons why the police should be concerned about street prostitution are moral concerns of citizens, public health concerns, personal safety concerns, spillover effects, impact on legitimate businesses, and civil rights concerns. One section of the guidebook provides an overview of street prostitutes, their clients, pimps and panderers, sexual transactions, and areas where street prostitution exists. Questions to use in analyzing a specific local problem of street prostitution are grouped under the following topics: police and community members, street prostitutes, their clients, pimps and panderers, sexual transactions, environment, drug links, and current response. General strategies for deterring prostitutes and clients encompass the enforcement of laws related to street prostitution, a highly visible police presence, relaxation of the regulation of indoor prostitution venues, enhancement of the penalties for prostitution-related offenses in a specified high-activity zone, banning prostitutes or clients from specific geographic areas, the use of community service sentences, citizen public protests, and education and warnings for both prostitutes and their clients. Some special strategies for deterring street prostitutes and their clients are offered in addition to the aforementioned general strategies. Suggestions are provided for helping prostitutes and changing the environment. Responses that have proven to have limited effectiveness are also identified. Appended summary of responses to street prostitution and 28 references
Main Term(s): Community policing
Index Term(s): Prostitution ; Community involvement ; Public order offenses/ ; Crime control policies ; Prostitution causes ; Problem oriented policing
Note: Problem-Oriented Guides for Police Series, No. 2.
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