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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 162364     Find in a Library
Title: Sex Offender Community Notification
Series: NIJ Research in Action
Author(s): P Finn
Corporate Author: Abt Associates, Inc
United States
Date Published: 1997
Page Count: 19
Sponsoring Agency: National Institute of Justice
US Dept Justice
Office of Justice Programs
United States

US Dept of Justice NIJ Pub
United States

US Dept of Justice, Office of Justice Programs
United States
Contract Number: OJP-94-C-007
Sale Source: National Institute of Justice/NCJRS
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849
United States

NCJRS Photocopy Services
Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849-6000
United States
Document: Text PDF 
Agency Summary: Agency Summary 
Type: Legislation/policy analysis
Language: English
Country: United States
Annotation: This 1996 telephone survey of 13 criminal justice practitioners in eight States regarding practices of informing local communities about the presence of a sex offender found that notification statutes had diverse provisions.
Abstract: Some statutes mandated proactive notification, while other statutes merely authorized notification. Still other statutes permitted notification only in response to community requests. It was also found that statutes may assign responsibility for notification to State and local criminal justice system agencies, including law enforcement agencies, prosecutor offices, and probation and parole agencies. Practitioners participating in the survey recommended that legislation allow local jurisdictions to develop and apply their own criteria for deciding which offenders should be subject to notification and what type of notification should be conducted. In addition, participants pointed out that notification requires a great deal of work, that the community should be educated about the nature and purpose of notification, and that further research on the impact of notification is needed. Principal features of sex offender registration laws are identified, and an appendix outlines community notification procedures for local law enforcement in Washington State. 38 notes and 3 exhibits
Main Term(s): Crime prevention measures/
Index Term(s): State laws ; Sex offenders ; Corrections/ ; Sex offender registration ; Washington
Note: National Institute of Justice Research in Action (February 1997)
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