
What do you think: Do the VA's new PTSD rules go far enough?

Yesterday the VA officially unveiled changes in its rules on post-traumatic stress disorder claims, easing the standards for proof for veterans claiming to have experienced a traumatic event. In his weekly radio address president Barack Obama called the move "a long-overdue step ... that proves America will always be here for our veterans, just as they’ve been there for us."

Veterans groups hailed the change as well; the VFW said "to no longer require veterans to relive their nightmares in great detail is a very positive step forward for veterans of all generations." But some questioned why the department still insists that PTSD diagnoses come from VA physicians only, noting that in many cases veterans can get quicker and better treatment from private doctors. 

The VA disputed that assertion yesterday, saying that the department has enough staff and expertise to handle PTSD claims.

What do you think? Do the new rules changes go far enough? Or are more changes needed right away to better help veterans? What else should be done?

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