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Programs, Institutes and Universities

  • Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute - A tri-service organization staffed by professionals from the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force located at Fort Sam Houston, Texas offering both resident and non-resident joint medical readiness training courses as well as professional medical programs for over 4,000 students/year in trauma care, burn care, disaster preparedness, humanitarian assistance and CBRNE preparation/response.

  • Joint Medical Executive Skills Institute - Provides military healthcare leaders with executive management and professional administrative skills through educational programs, products, and services.

  • Medical Education and Training Campus - The Medical Education and Training Campus (METC) was created following the 2005 Base Realignment and Closure Commission's decision to co-locate all enlisted medical training at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.  METC entered into initial operating capability status on June 30, 2010 and full operating capability status on Sept. 15, 2011.  As the world's largest military medical training institution, the campus is projected to maintain an average daily student load of 7,000 students and administers 64 medical training programs. The tri-service campus is the primary entry portal for enlisted medical trainees and also offers advanced-level training.  METC's mission is to train the world's finest medics, corpsmen, and techs, supporting our nation's ability to engage globally. 

  • MHS Learn - MHS Learn contains an extensive library of medically-related training courses offered in a variety of formats. The MHS Learn staff can create a wide range of custom content: from modest, inexpensive training built from your PowerPoint slides, to highly interactive, robust training that includes animation, video, and audio narration.

  • TRICARE University - The Customer Communications Branch is part of the Communications and Customer Service Directorate at the TRICARE Management Activity in Falls Church, Virginia. Established in November 2002, TRICARE University’s goal is to accomplish the primary mission of training. The training objectives are to: identify Military Health System (MHS) beneficiary contact staff training requirements, develop the appropriate curricula, and deliver top notch classroom-based and online courseware to ensure a well-informed MHS staff.

  • Uniformed Services University - The Uniformed Services University is the Nation's federal health sciences university and is committed to excellence in military medicine and public health during peace and war. We provide the Nation with health professionals dedicated to career service in the Department of Defense and the United States Public Health Service and with scientists who serve the common good.