Military Kids

Together we're stronger

You might have heard the saying, “When one member joins, the whole family serves” a thousand times, but what does it actually mean to your family? The National Military Family Association believes that when spouses and children are taken care of the service member can better focus on his or her mission. The peace of mind that the service member can have knowing that their family is getting all the benefits they’re eligible for can allow the service member to put a clear focus on the mission at hand. In this section learn the many ways to support military children – the Nation’s children!

Here you will find resources for childcare, whether it is day care on the installation, respite care when a service member is deployed, or extended care for parents working long hours. Learn all you need to know to provide your military child with the best experience and education possible. What is best for your family? Private school? Homeschooling? Public school? Find all the options here, including what states are doing to make the transition between schools easier on military families.

Children are profoundly affected by a parent’s deployment. Find information on how to help your family keep the communication lines open and make sure children are dealing with deployment in a healthy way. These transitions are tough on families, but in this section you’ll find ways to help children and teens steer clear of risky behaviors during transition times and keep your family healthy during difficult transitions.

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Until military families are relieved of the weight of war, we hope you will continue to contribute to their wellbeing.

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