DOWNLOAD: SOUTHCOM Pictorial History

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The Command Historian documents contemporary activities for posterity, conducts historical research for U.S. Southern Command principals, and promotes the knowledge of history among key audiences. 
The Command Historian collects and preserves primary source material such as reports, electronic messages, and recorded interviews/debriefings.  He also writes the Command Historical Report—a thorough, accurate, and objective account of the command’s role in the development and implementation of U.S. national security policy.  He transfers all collected material, including the annual historical report, to the National Archives and Records Administration, where it is stored, declassified, and eventually released to the public. 
The Command Historian also provides SOUTHCOM personnel with timely, relevant, and useable historical research and analyses.  In doing so, the Command Historian routinely advises SOUTHCOM leaders on the historical aspects of current inter-American security issues.  Finally, he teaches history to various groups through public outreach and educational events.