On The Right Track At The Nevada State Fair

Fall 2010 Lattin Farms corn maze inspired by the USDA Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food initiative.

Fall 2010 Lattin Farms corn maze inspired by the USDA Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food initiative.

Cross posted from the White House Blog.

Ed. Note: Building on the President’s commitment to address issues important to rural Americans, Administration officials are visiting State Fairs around the country, see a map of where we’ve been so far.

When you grow up in rural America, as I did, there is nothing more exciting than the state or county fair.  Showing livestock, competing in baking and quilting contests, eyeing the latest farm equipment, and dipping the season’s first apples in caramel are perennial favorites among America’s rural youth.  So when I visited the Nevada State Fair last week, I made a quick beeline to the 4H and FFA exhibits to see if things were the same as ‘when I was a kid.’ Read more »

USDA Representatives Go into the Fields to Get Accurate Yield Forecasts

Charlie Ingram, Director of NASS Enumerator Program at National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, preparing a plot in Colorado for wheat objective yield measurements.

Charlie Ingram, Director of NASS Enumerator Program at National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, preparing a plot in Colorado for wheat objective yield measurements.

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from the USDA’s rich science and research portfolio.

When I was growing up on the farm in South Carolina, my family used a very simple method of estimating our production. As long as we planted the same acreage, we assumed that we were getting the same amount of crops at harvest time. But while this approach is still used on some farms, it is impossible to use these assumptions to get reliable state and national production estimates. So how does the USDA go about measuring the yields to get an accurate forecast for the annual crop production? Read more »

La Zona de Descubrimiento de Inocuidad Alimentaria del Servicio de Inocuidad e Inspección de Alimentos del USDA Toma a los “Fighting Irish”

La Universidad de Notre Dame es uno de los colegios principales, históricos y más reconocidos en el fútbol colegial Americano. El equipo normalmente juega los juegos de su localidad en el en el Estadio de Notre Dame localizado en el campo de la Universidad de Notre Dame. El estadio tiene una capacidad de 80,795 fanáticos. ¡Que oportunidad para promocionar la Zona de Descubrimiento! Read more »

The USDA Food Safety Discovery Zone Takes on the Fighting Irish

The USDA Food Safety Discovery Zone travels to Notre Dame, Indiana, September 3-4, 2010, to meet the “Fighting Irish of Notre Dame.”

The University of Notre Dame is one of the largest, most historical, and most recognized names in college football. The team plays its home games on the University of Notre Dame’s campus at Notre Dame Stadium. The stadium has a capacity of 80,795 fans. What an outreach opportunity for the Discovery Zone! Read more »