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USFK Organization


  • Unit Content Manager
    DSN: 723-7220
  • Chief, CIG
    DSN: 723-7225
  • Deputy, CIG
    DSN: 723-3855
    DSN: 723-7777
  • Speechwriter
    DSN: 723-7653
  • Ass't Speechwriter
    DSN: 723-6009
  • Analyst
    DSN: 723-6745
  • Sr. Analyst
    DSN: 723-5977
  • RM,Int'l Relations
    DSN: 723-8037
  • Int'l Relations/Translator
    DSN: 723-5027
  • Supply NCO
    DSN: 723-7223
    DSN: 723-7220
    Fax: 723-3325
  • 5x8
    DSN: 723-5027
  • Read Ahead
    DSN: 723-5027
  • KUB
    DSN: 723-5977


Commander's Initiatives Group, CIG

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The Commander’s Initiatives Group (CIG) is a special staff section that produces focused, professional studies, projects, and products at the direction of the Commander, United Nations Command/ Combined Forces Command and United States Forces Command.

Please contact our webmaster at 723-3855 if you have any questions or notice any errors on our site.



The Commander's Initiatives Group (CIG) is a special staff section that produces focused, professional studies, projects, and products at the direction of the Commander, United Nations Command/Combined Forces Command/United States Forces Command.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Participate and collaborate with staff to ensure that the Commander's intent, themes and messages permeate all Command products - strategic communications.
  • Provide products and conduct research and liaison to prepare the Commander for all off peninsula trips and conferences (Trip Support Team). 
  • Review content for the Quarterly Commanders' Conferences (QCCs), On Sites/Off Sites, Senior Leader Transitions, Senior Spouse Orientations, and Korean Orientation Briefings.
  • Review and package all read ahead packets for the Commander.
  • Provide direct support to the Commander for all meetings and conferences throughout the world with products and on-site audio-visual support.
  • Research, analyze, and evaluate concepts for the Commander.
  • Coordinate and maintain the Korea Update Briefing.
  • Develop and publish conceptual white papers.
  • Assist in the preparation of the Commander's Exercise AAR Notes for Key Resolve/Foal Eagle (KR/FE) and Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG). 
  • Conducts Staff Assessments.
  • Maintain Commander's historical archives for End of Tour Report and transmission to Center of Military History.

Authorization Documents

  • Joint force commanders have the authority and latitude to establish the staff organization required to fulfill the command's responsibilities" (JFSC Pub 1, Page 1-49, para e-(4))
  • Commander's Personal Staff is "Responsible directly to the commander" and provides support on "Special matters over which the commander chooses to exercise close personal control." (JFSC Pub 1, page 1-51, fig 1-30).