Nimitz Medical Team Scores 98 Percent On HSRI

Story Number: NNS121018-22Release Date: 10/18/2012 10:53:00 PM
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By Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Linda S. Swearingen, USS Nimitz Public Affairs

USS NIMITZ, At Sea (NNS) -- The Health Services Department (HSD) on board aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68) scored a 98 percent on its recent health services readiness inspection (HSRI), Oct. 12-14.

"The HSRI is a comprehensive inspection of the entire medical department," said Hospital Corpsman 1st Class (SW/SCW) Thomas A. Robertson, Nimitz HSD leading petty officer. "Our medical records, crew medical readiness, supply management, emergency response capabilities, occupational health programs, wellness programs, training, public health programs, laboratory, pharmacy, x-ray, surgical services, equipment and administrative oversight were all inspected by the Commander, Naval Air Forces (CNAF) and his staff."

In addition to CNAF, the HSRI team included one captain, one master chief, one lieutenant, two hospital corpsmen 1st classes and one hospitalman who inspected areas with medical equipment throughout the ship. The HSRI was scheduled to take up to four days to complete, but due to the effectiveness and readiness of Nimitz' medical team the inspection was completed within two days.

"Since the inspection covers the crew's total medical readiness, the preparations are always ongoing," said Robertson. "Birth month recall, dental readiness, women's health exams, physicals and preventive medicine programs have to constantly be tracked and maintained. Closer to the inspection every record, inventory and program has to be rechecked for accuracy. These rechecks require a lot of work, and our Sailors gave up a lot of their time. The department put in many late nights in order for us to excel the way we did."

Another major part of the HSRI was the inventorying of medical supplies throughout the ship. There are mass casualty boxes full of medical supplies located throughout the ship and their readiness could mean life or death for a crew member if a mass casualty were to occur.

If even one item on the inventory list was to be missing from one of the mass casualty boxes, it could cause major problems for someone that is injured during an actual mass casualty. So, it is important to maintain those boxes in preparation for a worst case scenario, said Hospital Corpsman 3rd Class Michael A. Waltich.

Nimitz' Medical department has an HSRI done annually; however, this inspection was more thorough and only takes place before a deployment to ensure the Medical department is capable of handling any medical needs the ship's crew may have while underway.

"Everyone had a hand in the HSRI," said Waltich. "Whether it was inventorying medical emergency equipment or medical records, everyone was constantly working toward the common goal of passing the inspection."

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