April 10-12, 2012


How do I apply to be a delegate?

First NAFAC must make contact with your individual school in early November. Once your school commits, it then decides internally how to select a delegate. That person's name is then forwarded to NAFAC, who makes the final decision regarding delegate selection. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Is it too late to register for this year's conference?

No, it is not too late to register for this year's conference. We will be accepting new registrants for the foreseeable future. Please refer any registration inquiries to

How do I pay the registration fee?

There are two ways to pay the $150 to the 2011 Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference. The first way to pay is by sending check made payable to the US Treasury. All checks must be sent to:

Nanlee Taylor
United States Naval Academy, Political Science Department, Nimitz Library, Mail Stop 10e, Annapolis, MD 21412

In addition, we will be setting up an online payment account that will accept credit cards. This will be set in the near future. The conference leadership is working to overcome this hurdle.

Will I be able to connect to the internet during NAFAC?

Yes, the hotel as well as all public areas (bar, restaurant, lobby) have free wireless internet. The rooms do not have wireless access but they do have free wired internet access to plug into your laptop.

I am driving to the conference. Where should I park my car?

There is a public garage across the street from the hotel that costs $1 an hour for up to $8 a day. The catch is there is no take out privileges so it's most cost effective to park the car in the garage and leave it there for the week until you are going to leave. You will NOT be able to drive onto the Naval Academy Complex.

When will I find out what roundtable I am in?

Roundtable assignments will be sent out after the registration deadline.

What are some of the activities delegates take part in?

In past years delegates have taken tours of the Naval Academy campus, gone sailing on the school's yachts, and tried the rock climbing wall. This year promises to include even more activities.

What time should I arrive on April 9th?

All delegates should arrive on the 11th between 0900 and 1700 if possible.

What time should I depart?

This is the tentative schedule. With that being said, the last event is currently scheduled for 1730 on Thursday, April 12th.

What airports do I fly into?

NAFAC provides transportation from BWI, Reagan and several local train stations. NAFAC does not provide transportation to or from Dulles International Airport. For more information, please go to the 'Delegates' page under transportation.

Where am I going to stay?

NAFAC provides lodging at the O'Callaghan Hotel, Annapolis. Please see the Lodging page for more information.

How was the topic decided this year?

The topic is decided every year by the Midshipman Directors. Throughout the summer and early fall the Academic Director researches relevant issues in foreign policy. By consensus, the Directors pick a topic to discuss and ask for final approval from Senior Academy leadership.

What is the best way to prepare myself for the Conference?

Keeping abreast of current events through newspapers, periodicals, and the news is essential. Background research into the particular topics' literature is essential to writing a good and well balanced paper. Many agencies and Think Tanks in Washington, DC have information regarding this year's topic. The website will post links to certain websites that provide valuable information in the near future.