
Soak up the sun

One fact about living in Europe is there really aren’t a lot of places where it’s downright hot in the dead of winter. Nonetheless, there are plenty of locales where it remains quite pleasant late into autumn.

In the mood for one last getaway to a place where you can at least walk around in short sleeves? Here’s a peek at the average highs and lows in southern European cities frequented by tourists for Nov. 24, which is the Saturday after Thanksgiving this year.
The information is from and is given in degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Limassol, Cyprus: 69/49
  • Nice, France: 59/46
  • Marseille, France: 56/42
  • Athens, Greece: 63/50
  • Naples, Italy: 60/44
  • Rome, Italy: 59/41
  • Trapani, Italy: 65/52
  • Valletta, Malta: 66/55
  • Lisbon, Portugal: 62/50
  • Faro, Portugal: 65/50
  • Funchal, Portugal: 70/59
  • Barcelona, Spain: 60/44
  • Madrid, Spain: 56/38
  • Antalya, Turkey: 67/49

Planning to stay closer to home? In Munich, the average high and low temperatures for this same day are 41/30; in Prague, anticipate 39/41. Check the forecast for your chosen destination to know whether to pack shorts or a ski parka.



About the Author

Karen Bradbury has lived and worked in Europe for more than fifteen years. She has called Moscow, Copenhagen, Rome and now a small wine-producing village along the Rhine in Germany home. When she's not working, whatever the season, she's probably traveling.
