NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO’s relations with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹

The President of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹, Dr Gjorge Ivanov and NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen

NATO and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ actively cooperate in a range of areas, with a particular emphasis on defence and security sector reform, as well as support for wider democratic and institutional reform. The country joined the Membership Action Plan (MAP) in 1999 and aspires to join the Alliance.

The Allies are committed to keeping NATO’s door open to Western Balkan partners that wish to join the Alliance, share its values and are willing and able to assume the responsibilities and obligations of membership. Euro-Atlantic integration is seen as the best way to ensure long-term, self-sustaining security and stability in the region.

The Membership Action Plan (MAP) is a NATO programme of advice, assistance and practical support tailored to the individual needs of countries wishing to join the Alliance. Participation in the MAP does not prejudge any decision by the Alliance on future membership.

At the April 2008 Bucharest Summit, Allies recognized the hard work and commitment demonstrated by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ to NATO values and Alliance operations. They agreed that an invitation to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ will be extended as soon as a mutually acceptable solution to the issue over the country’s name has been reached with Greece.

Beyond the key focus on reform, another important area of cooperation is the country’s support for NATO-led operations. For many years, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ has been providing valuable host nation support to troops of the Kosovo Force (KFOR) transiting the country. The country also contributes to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.

  • Framework for cooperation

    In the MAP framework, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ sets out its reform plans and timelines in its Annual National Programme (ANP). Key areas include political, military and security-sector reforms. Important priorities are efforts to meet democratic standards and ensure free and fair elections, as well as support for reducing corruption and fighting organized crime, judicial reform, improving public administration and promoting good-neighbourly relations. NATO Allies provide feedback on the envisaged reforms and evaluate their implementation.

    NATO teams visit the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ to draft a progress report on the implementation of the ANP, including possible recommendations for further action. These are agreed by Allies and then discussed by the North Atlantic Council with representatives from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹  at a high-level meeting at the end of the cycle. More specific and technical reforms in the defence area are discussed and assessed in parallel in the context of the Partnership for Peace Planning and Review Process (PARP), which sets planning targets, or Partnership Goals, in a wide variety of defence capability areas.

    The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ also cooperates with NATO and partner countries in a wide range of other areas through the Partnership for Peace (PfP) programme and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC). It tailors its participation in PfP through an annual Individual Partnership Programme, selecting those activities that will help achieve the goals it has set in the Annual National Programme.

  • Key areas of cooperation

    Security cooperation

    The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ was a key partner in supporting NATO-led stabilization operations in Kosovo in 1999 and NATO forces were deployed to the country to halt the spread of the conflict as well as to provide logistical support to the Kosovo Force (KFOR). The Allies also provided humanitarian assistance as refugees from Kosovo fled into the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ . The country continues to provide valuable host nation support to KFOR troops transiting its territory.

    NATO came to the assistance of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹, when violence between ethnic Albanian insurgents and security forces broke out in the west of the country in February 2001. The insurgents had taken control of a number of towns near the border with Kosovo, bringing the country to the brink of a civil war. NATO facilitated the negotiation of a ceasefire in June of that same year, which paved the way for a political settlement – the Ohrid Framework Agreement – in August 2001. In support of the settlement, NATO deployed a task force, “Essential Harvest”, to collect weapons handed over by the insurgents, as they prepared to disband. The NATO-led international monitoring mission continued to operate in support of the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement until 31 March 2003, when the European Union assumed the lead.

    A key objective of NATO’s cooperation with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ is to develop the ability of the country’s armed forces to work alongside Allied forces in peace-support and crisis management operations.

    The country’s participation in the PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP) since 1999 has helped develop the ability of its forces to work with NATO, and also facilitated defence reform. PARP is a core element of the MAP. NATO Headquarters Skopje, established in 2003, also plays a role in assisting the implementation of the defence reform plans, including through its NATO Advisory Team, which is located within the country's defence ministry.

    Cooperation in the fight against terrorism takes place in the framework of the Partnership Action Plan on Terrorism. This includes sharing intelligence and analysis with NATO, enhancing national counter-terrorist capabilities and improving border security. In consultation with the Allies, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ has taken steps to establish competent bodies and services to deal with contemporary forms of terrorism.

    Defence and security sector reform

    NATO is supportive of the wide-ranging and ongoing reform process underway in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹. In the areas of defence and security sector reform, NATO and individual Allies have considerable expertise that the country can draw upon. In consultation with the Allies, the country continues to implement a wide range of reforms in line with its Strategic Defence Review.

    The Allies have assisted in the development of a transformation plan for the country’s armed forces. The plan includes detailed programmes covering logistics, personnel, equipment, training, and a timetable for the restructuring of key military units. Other key objectives include improving ethnic minority representation in civil/military defence structures and judicial and police reform.

    The country’s participation in the PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP) since 1999 has helped develop the ability of its forces to work with NATO, and also facilitated defence reform. PARP is a core element of the MAP. NATO Headquarters Skopje, established in 2003, also plays a role in assisting the implementation of the defence reform plans, specifically by means of its NATO Advisory Team, which is located within the country's defence ministry.

    The country joined the Operational Capabilities Concept (OCC) in 2005. The OCC is a mechanism through which units available for PfP operations can be evaluated and better integrated with NATO forces to increase operational effectiveness.

    Civil emergency planning

    The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ is enhancing its national civil emergency and disaster-management capabilities in cooperation with NATO and through participation in activities organized by the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre. The country also participates in the work of the Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee.

    In consultation with NATO, a national crisis-management system has been established to ensure that the structures in place serve effectively and efficiently in the case of a national crisis.

    Science and environment

    Under the Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ has received grant awards for over 40 collaborative projects. Projects include advanced research workshops on information security, and studies into crisis management and counter-terrorism activity. 

    The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ has also worked with other countries in the field of science. For instance, it was recently part of a regional project concerning seismic-risk mapping.

    Public information

    Given that the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ aims to join NATO, it is important to continue to ensure public awareness of how NATO works and the rights and obligations which membership brings. Public diplomacy activities also aim to develop and maintain links with civil society actors and to facilitate security-related activities and programmes in the country. NATO’s Public Diplomacy Division plays a key role in this area as do individual Allies and Partner countries.

    In every partner country an embassy of one of the NATO member states serves as a contact point and operates as a channel for disseminating information about the role and policies of the Alliance. The Embassy of the Netherlands in Skopje acts as a Contact Point Embassy (CPE) for NATO.

  • Evolution of relations

    Relations between NATO and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ date back to 1995, when the country joined the Partnership for Peace (PfP), which was followed by membership of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) in 1997.

    Relations were strengthened during the Kosovo crisis in 1999, when the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ was a key partner in supporting NATO operations, and Allied forces were deployed to the country to halt the spread of the conflict and to provide humanitarian assistance for refugees from Kosovo. The same year, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ joined the Membership Action Plan.

    In 2001, relations further intensified, with NATO along with the EU coming to the assistance of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹, when violence between ethnic Albanian insurgents and security forces broke out in the west of the country in February 2001. Having facilitated the negotiation of a cease-fire which led to a peace agreement, NATO – at the government’s request – deployed a task force to collect weapons from the insurgents and support the implementation of the agreement. This mission was handed over to the European Union in March 2003, but NATO maintained a headquarters in the in the capital Skopje to assist the country with its defence reforms.

    Key milestones


    The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ joins the Partnership for Peace.


    The country hosts its first PfP training exercise, ”Rescuer”.


    The country plays a key role in supporting NATO operations in Kosovo, and the Allies provide assistance to ease the humanitarian crisis as refugees from Kosovo flood into the country.


    The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ joins NATO's Membership Action Plan (MAP) and the PfP Planning and Review Process (PARP).


    Violence flares up in the west of the country. NATO plays a key role in facilitating negotiations on a cease-fire reached in June. NATO Allies deploy a task force to collect arms from former combatants and support the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement.


    The country deploys personnel in support of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.


    The NATO-led peace-monitoring mission in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ is handed over to the European Union.


    A combined medical team of the three MAP countries joins NATO-led forces in Afghanistan in August.


    The country hosts the EAPC Security Forum in Ohrid.


    In April 2008, Allies agree that the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹ will be invited to start accession talks as soon as a mutually acceptable solution to the issue over the country’s name has been reached with Greece.


    The Secretary General visited Skopje in June 2010.


    Prime Minister Gruevski addressed the North Atlantic Council on 25 January.

Last updated: 10-May-2012 10:20

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1. Turkey recognizes the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.