Updated: 06-Nov-2006 NATO Speeches



Speeches 1994

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9 June 1994
Deputy Secretary General's opening statement, NAC Ministerial, Istanbul
10 June 1994
Deputy Secretary General's opening statement, NACC Ministerial, Istanbul

22 June 1994
Deputy Secretary General's speech during Russian Foreign Minister Kozyrev's visit to sign the Partnership for Peace
29 September 1994
Statement by Willy Claes, NAC Ministerial Session, New York


17 October 1994
Speech by the Secretary General to the press on arrival at NATO HQ

27 October 1994
Exercice Cooperative Spirit. Closing remarks by the Scretary General

28 October 1994
The 40th General Assembly of ATA, The Hague. Address by Willy Claes, NATO Secretary General
13 November 1994
Speech by the Secretary General at the Pio Manzu 'Big Millenium' Conference, Rimini, Italy

1 December 1994
Intervention by U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher at the meeting of the NAC, Brussels
1 December 1994
Opening Statement of U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher at the meeting of the NAC, Brussels

1 December 1994
Secretary General's Opening Statement to NAC Ministerial, Brussels

2 December 1994
Secretary General's Opening Statement to NACC Ministerial, Brussels

5 December 1994
Speech by Willy Claes at the meeting with UN and regional and other organizations, Budapest CSCE summit

5 December 1994
Budapest CSCE Summit, remarks at Luncheon by NATO Secretary General, Willy Claes

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