Updated: 22-Nov-2006 NATO Press Releases

Eng. / Fr.


Press Releases 2002

[ Jan. (1-11) ] [ Feb. (12-26)] [ March (27-42)] [ April (43-57) ]
[ May (58-70 ) ] [ June (71-87)] [ July (88-97)] [ Aug. (98-100) ]
[ Sept. (101-111) ] [ Oct. (112-123)] [ Nov. (124-131)] [ Dec. (132-) ]


(2002)001 - 9 January 2002
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, to Visit Spain and Portugal on 10 January 2002
(2002)002 - 15 January 2002
The High Representative of the International Community for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Wolfgang Petritsch, to visit NATO
(2002)003 - 16 January 2002
NATO sends extra AWACS to help guard skies of America
(2002)004 - 16 January 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit Albania
(2002)005 - 16 January 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1)
(2002)006 - 18 January 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit Sweden
(2002)007 - 17 January 2002
Bad Weather Forces NATO Secretary General to Postpone Skopje Visit
(2002)008 - 24 January 2002
Crisis Management Exercise (CMX 2002)
(2002)009 - 25 January 2002
Visit To NATO by Ambassador Francis X. Taylor, Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism of the State Department, On Monday 28 January 2002
(2002)010 - 25 January 2002
NATO-Russia Conference on the Military Role in Combating Terrorism - Media advisory
Press Statement - 28 January 2002
Press Statement on NATO-Russia Co-Operation In Combating Terrorism
(2002)011 - 30 January 2002
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, to visit the United States
(2002)012 - 1 February 2002
Foreign Ministers Meetings - Reykjavik, Iceland, 14-15 May 2002 - First Media Advisory
(2002)013 - 1 February 2002
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, to attend the Munich Conference on Security Policy, Germany
(2002)014 - 5 February 2002
The President of Bulgaria H.E. Georgi Parvanov to visit NATO on 6 February 2002
(2002)015 - 6 February 2002
North Atlantic Council Meeting with the Political and Security Committee of the European Union
(2002)016 - 6 February 2002
Statement by the NATO Secretary General (Arrest 3 former-KLA members)
(2002)017 - 7 February 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(1)
(2002)018 - 12 February 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit Poland, 13 and 14 February 2002
(2002)019 - 15 February 2002
Statement by the Secretary General on the 50th Anniversary of Greece and Turkey in NATO
(2002)020 - 18 February 2002
Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson (Extension Operation Amber Fox - Fyrom)
(2002)021 - 19 February 2002
Tajikistan to Sign the Partnership for Peace Framework Document
(2002)022 - 20 February 2002
Tajikistan signs the Partnership for Peace Framework Document
(2002)023 - 20 February 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit Latvia and Lithuania
(2002)024 - 22 February 2002
Statement from the Spokesman (FYROM border issues)
(2002)025 - 27 February 2002
NATO Secretary General to Visit Bulgaria - 28 February 2002
Press Statement - 27 February 2002
Meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council
(2002)026 - 28 February 2002
The Prime Minister of Ukraine to Visit NATO HQ
(2002)027 - 1 March 2002
Statement - Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission with H.E. Mr.A. Kinakh, Prime-Minister of Ukraine
(2002)028 - 1 March 2002
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, to visit Berlin, Germany
(2002)029 - 5 March 2002
News Release (Raid on Celebici allegations)
(2002)030 - 5 March 2002
Visit to NATO by the President of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1), Mr. Boris Trajkovski On Wednesday 6 March 2002
(2002)031 - 6 March 2002
News Release (Commemorative painting 11 September 2001)
(2002)032 - 6 March 2002
Visit to NATO by H.E. Mr. Rudolf Schuster, President of the Slovak Republic on 7 March 2002
(2002)033 - 8 March 2002
Statement by the Secretary General of NATO (FYROM amnesty law)
(2002)034 - 8 March 2002 - Revised
Visit to NATO by Mr. Ljubco Georgievski, Prime Minister of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(1) , On 11 March 2002
(2002)035 - 8 March 2002 - Revised
Visit to NATO By the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Kosovo, Mr. Michael Steiner, On 11 March 2002
(2002)036 - 11 March 2002
NATO Secretary General to Address IRIS in Paris on 12 March
(2002)037 - 12 March 2002
The Tri-Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina will visit NATO on Wednesday, 13 March 2002
(2002)038 - 14 March 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit NATO AWACS Air Base Geilenkirchen, Germany, on Monday, 18 March 2002
(2002)039 - 15 March 2002
Visit to NATO by the President of Georgia, H. E. Mr. Eduard Shevardnadze on Monday 18 March 2002
(2002)040 - 20 March 2002
Lord Robertson to visit the Czech Republic
Press Statement - 20 March 2002
Meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council
(2002)041 - 25 March 2002
A Workshop on Social and Psychological Consequences of Chemical, Biological and Radiological Terrorism, Brussels, 25 - 27 March 2002
(2002)042 - 28 March 2002
New Director appointed to the NATO Information and Documentation Centre In Kyiv
(2002)043 - 1 April 2002
Statement by the Secretary General of NATO (Momir Nikolic arrest)
(2002)044 - 4 April 2002
Summit Meetings of Heads of State and Government - Prague, Czech Republic, 21-22 November 2002
(2002)045 - 5 April 2002
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, To Visit The United States
(2002)046 - 15 April 2002
Visit to NATO by the Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Mr. Igor Ivanov, on Monday 15 April 2002
(2002)047 - 17 April 2002
The North Atlantic Council to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina on 18 and 19 April, 2002
(2002)048 - 16 April 2002
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, to visit Greece
(2002)049 - 16 April 2002
Chairman's Statement following the Meeting of NATO's Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) at NATO Headquarters, Brussels, on 16th April 2002
(2002)050 - 24 April 2002
2002 PBOS Shipping Day with Partners
(2002)053 - 25 April 2002
NATO Secretary General awards medals for service in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(1)
(2002)054 - 25 April 2002
Statement - Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission
(2002)055 - 26 April 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit London
(2002)056 - 30 April 2002
North Atlantic Council Meeting with the Political and Security Committee of the European Union
(2002)057 - 30 April 2002
Statement by the Secretary General on the conclusion of Operation Eagle Assist
Press Statement - 6 May 2002
Meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council
(2002)058 - 8 May 2002
Summit Meeting of NATO and Russia at the level of Heads of State and Government Rome, Italy, 28 May 2002 - Media Advisory
(2002)063 - 8 May 2002
Visit to NATO by Mr. Pandeli Majko, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, on 10 May 2002
(2002)064 - 10 May 2002
NATO approves changes to KFOR and SFOR
M-NAC-1(2002)59 - 14 May 2002
Final Communiqu - Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council Held In Reykjavik on 14 May 2002
(2002)065 - 14 May 2002
NATO Secretary General visit to NATO AWACS Air Base Geilenkirchen, Germany on Thursday, 16 May 2002
Press Statement - 14 May 2002
NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council Meeting at the Level of Foreign Ministers Held In Reykjavik on 14 May 2002
(2002)060 - 14 May 2002
Joint Press Statement by the NATO Secretary General and the EU Presidency NATO-EU Ministerial Meeting
M-EAPC-1 (2002)061 - 15 May 2002
Chairman's Summary of the meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council in Foreign Ministers Session
(2002)062 - 15 May 2002
Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in Foreign Ministers' Session, Reykjavik
(2002)067 - 21 May 2002
NATO Extends Amber Fox Mission
(2002)068 - 23 May 2002
Visit to NATO by Mr. Milos Zeman, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic on 24 May 2002
(2002)066 - 23 May 2002
Defence Ministers Meetings - 6-7 June 2002 - Media Advisory
(2002)069 - 30 May 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit Norway
(2002)070 - 31 May 2002
Regional CEP/CIMIC Course, Poljce, Slovenia
(2002)071 - 6 June 2002
Ministerial Meeting of the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group held in Brussels on 6 June 2002
(2002)072 - 6 June 2002
Final Communiqué - Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session held in Brussels on 6 June 2002
(2002)073 - 6 June 2002
Statement on the Balkans - Issued at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session held in Brussels
(2002)074 - 6 June 2002
Statement on Capabilities - Issued at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session held in Brussels
(2002)075 - 7 June 2002
Statement - Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission in Defence Ministers' Session
(2002)076 - 7 June 2002
Chairman's Summary of the Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council in Defence Ministers Session
(2002)077 - 10 June 2002
NATO Manfred Wörner Fellowship 2002/2004
(2002)078 - 10 June 2002
H.M. King Abdullah of Jordan to visit NATO
(2002)079 - 11 June 2002
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, to visit Portugal on 12 June 2002
(2002)080 - 12 June 2002
NATO Science Committee to meet in Tashkent on 13 and 14 June 2002
(2002)081 - 13 June 2002
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, to visit Austria on 13 and 14 June 2002
(2002)082 - 13 June 2002
Statement by the Secretary General of NATO on SFOR's Detention of Indicted War Criminal Darko Mrda 13 June 2002
(2002)083 - 17 June 2002
NATO Secretary General Lord Robertson and the North Atlantic Council to visit the United States, 17 - 21 June 2002
(2002)084 - 24 June 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit Croatia on 24 June 2002
(2002)085 - 25 June 2002
North Atlantic Council Meeting with the Political and Security Committee of the European Union
(2002)086 - 26 June 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit Kosovo and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(1)
(2002)087 - 27 June 2002
Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers (IM 2002) - Warsaw, Poland, 24 - 25 September 2002 - Media Advisory
(2002)088 - 2 July 2002
Visit to NATO by the President of Austria, H. E. Dr. Thomas Klestil on Wednesday, 3 July 2002
(2002)089 - 2 July 2002
Release of General William Kernan as Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic
(2002)090 - 8 July 2002
The North Atlantic Council to visit Ukraine on 8-10 July, 2002
(2002)091 - 7 July 2002
Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson (SFOR detained Miroslav Deronjic)
(2002)092 - 9 July 2002
Statement - Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission with the participation of H.E. Mr. A.Zlenko, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Kyiv
(2002)093 - 9 July 2002
SFOR's Detention of Indicted War Criminal Radovan Stankovic
(2002)094 - 16 July 2002
"NATO Research and Technology Organization Awards the von Krmn Medal"
(2002)095 - 17 July 2002
Statement by Lord Robertson on the death of Joseph Luns
(2002)096 - 18 July 2002
Appointment of General James L. Jones, US Marine Corps, to succeed General Joseph W. Ralston as Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
(2002)097 - 29 July 2002
Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson on elections in southern Serbia
(2002)098 - 12 August 2002
Allied Command Europe Mobile Force Land Headquarters to be dissolved in Autumn 2002
(2002)099 - 16 August 2002
Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson (Floods in Central and Eastern Europe)
(2002)100 - 30 August 2002
Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson on the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1)
(2002)101 - 4 September 2002
Commemorative ceremony to be held at NATO Headquarters on Wednesday, 11 September 2002
(2002)102 - 5 September 2002
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, to visit German and British troops in Germany
(2002)103 - 12 September 2002
NATO Secretary General To Address IFRI in Paris on 12 September 2002
(2002)104 - 12 September 2002
H.R.H. Prince of Asturias to visit NATO
(2002)105 - 16 September 2002
Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, following the elections in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia(1)
(2002)106 - 16 September 2002
NATO allies to ratify major agreement on interoperability of unmanned air vehicles (UAVs)
(2002)107 - 17 September 2002
North Atlantic Council meeting with the Political and Security Committee of the European Union
(2002)108 - 17 September 2002
Exercise "Bogorodsk 2002"
(2002)109 - 20 September 2002
Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, in his capacity as chairman of the NATO-Russia council
(2002)110 - 25 September 2002
Statement following the killing of a Spanish Civil Guard
NATO Press Release - 25 September 2002
Press Guidelines for the Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers, Warsaw, 24-25 September 2002
(2002)111 - 27 September 2002
NATO Permanent Representatives and NATO Secretary General to visit Italy
(2002)112 - 2 October 2002
NATO Secretary General to address Conference on the future of NATO on 3 October 2002
(2002)113 - 2 October 2002
Signature of a Memorandum on Logistic Cooperation between Georgia and the NATO Maintenance and Supply Organization (NAMSO) on Demilitarisation and Disposal of Missile Stockpiles and the Remediation of Georgian Military Sites
(2002)114 - 3 October 2002
Statement by the Secretary General of NATO on the obligation of the Croatian government to comply with ICTY
(2002)115 - 3 October 2002
Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, Lord Robertson, on the Mitrovica Plan of the United Nations Special Representative in Kosovo
(2002)116 - 8 October 2002
NATO-Russia Conference on Defence Reform
(2002)117 - 14 October 2002
Statement by the NATO Spokesman (Extension Operation Amber Fox)
(2002)118 - 18 October 2002
NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson to visit the United States
(2002)119 - 21 October 2002
"NATO Science Partnership Prize" presentation - A highlight of the extraordinary session of the NATO Science Committee, Brussels, 23 - 24 October 2002
(2002)120 - 24 October 2002
Statement by the Secretary General of NATO (Hostage taking in Russia)
(2002)121 - 30 October 2002
North Atlantic Council meeting with the Political and Security Committee of the European Union
(2002)122 - 30 October 2002
Second Media Advisory - Summit meetings of Heads of State and Government, Prague, Czech Republic, 21-22 November 2002
(2002)123 - 31 October 2002
2002 Planning Board for Inland and Surface Transport (PBIST) Seminar with Partners
(2002)124 - 4 November 2002
NATO Secretary General to visit Berlin
(2002)125 - 8 November 2002
Lord Robertson to Meet President Putin
(2002)126 - 14 November 2002
NATO Secretary General To Visit Turkey on 15 November 2002
(2002)127 - 21 November 2002
Prague Summit Declaration - Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Prague
(2002)133 - 21 November 2002
Prague Summit statement on Iraq - Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Prague
(2002)136 - 21 November 2002
NATO AGS radar cooperation statement of intent
Press Release - 22 November 2002
Statement by NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, in his capacity as Chairman of the NATO-Russia Council at the NATO-Russia Council Meeting at the Level of Foreign Ministers
(2002)128 - 22 November 2002
Chairman’s Summary of the Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council at Summit Level
(2002)129 - 28 November 2002
PfP Trust Fund to Destroy 133,000 Tons of Munitions and 1.5 Million Small Arms and Light Weapons in Ukraine
(2002)130 - 28 November 2002
NATO Secretary General to Visit Albania and Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1
(2002)131 - 29 November 2002
NATO to Continue Supporting the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 1
(2002)132 - 2 December 2002
Conference of the NATO-RUSSIA Council on the Military Role in Combating Terrorism
(2002)134 - 4 December 2002
The North Atlantic Council to visit Kosovo on 5 December 2002
(2002)135 - 4 December 2002
Statement by the NATO Spokesman (Reschedule NAC visit to Kosovo)
(2002)137 - 6 December 2002
Secretary General of NATO, Lord Robertson, to visit Russia
(2002)138 - 9 December 2002
Visit to NATO by the President of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, H.E. Abdelaziz Bouteflika on Tuesday, 10 December 2002
(2002)140 - 13 December 2002
Statement by the Secretary General (NATO-EU relations)
(2002)141 - 16 December 2002
North Atlantic Council meeting with the Political and Security Committee of the European Union
(2002)142 - 16 December 2002
EU-NATO declaration on ESDP
M-DPC-2(2002)139 - 20 December 2002
Financial and Economic Data Relating to NATO Defence
  1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.
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