Eng. / Fr.

Press Releases 1997

[ January (1-10) ] [ February (11-22) ] [ March (23-35) ] [ April (36-49) ]
[ May (52-67 ) ] [ June (68-80) ] [ July (81-93) ] [ August (94-98) ]
[September (99-116)] [October (116-132)] [November (133-148)] [December (149-159)]


97(1) - January 2, 1997
Secretary General of NATO to Visit Sarajevo

97(2) - January 10, 1997
Visit by the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, Mr. Volodymyr Gorbulin, to NATO on 10 January 1997

97(3) - January 10, 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Austria

97(4) - January 22, 1997
Visit by the Bulgarian President, Mr. Petar Stoyanov, to NATO on 29 January 1997

97(5) - January 28, 1997
Visit by the President of Romania, Mr. Emil Constantinescu, to NATO on 4 February 1997.

97(6) - January 15, 1997
Visit to NATO by Mr. Thorbjörn Jagland, Prime Minister of Norway, on Wednesday 22 January 1997

97(7) - January 17, 1997
Secretary General Congratulates Mr. Richard C. Holbrooke on Receipt of the First Manfred Wörner Medal

97(8) - January 20, 1997
Agreed Statement by the Secretary General of NATO and the Foreign Minister of Russia on the Visit of the Secretary General to Moscow

97(9) - January 27, 1997
NATO Secretary General's Visit To Paris

97(10) - January 29, 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Council of Europe


97(11) - February 1, 1997
The Secretary General of NATO meets President Kuchma

97(12) - February 3, 1997
The Secretary General of NATO to Visit Turkey

97(13) - February 12, 1997
Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Ministerial session on 18 February 1997

97(14) - February 6, 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Moldova and Transcaucasus

97(15) - February 7, 1997
7th VCC Seminar with Cooperation Partners on Implementation of Conventional Arms Control Agreements

97(16) - February 11, 1997
Statement by NATO Secretary General on Situation in Mostar

97(17) - February 12, 1997
NATO To Conduct Crisis Management Exercise

97(18) - February 13, 1997
Visit by the Polish Prime Minister, Mr. Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, to NATO on 21 February

97(19) - February 18, 1997
Visit to NATO by Mr. Carl Bildt, High Representative responsible for co-ordinating the civilian aspects of the Peace Agreement for the Former Yugoslavia, on 19 February

97(20) - February 23, 1997
Statement on the 2nd round of consultations on NATO/Russia relations

97(21) - February 24, 1997
The Secretary General of NATO to visit Greece

97(22) - February 28, 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Central Asia


97(23) - March 3, 1997
NATO Secretary General to Visit United Kingdom

97(24) - March 9, 1997
Agreed Statement by the Secretary General of NATO and the Foreign Minister of Russia on their talks in Moscow

97(25) - March 13, 1997
Statement by the North Atlantic Council on the situation in Albania

97(26) - March 14, 1997
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on nuclear materials safety management, 17-21 March, Amarillo, Texas

97(27) - March 14, 1997
Statement by the North Atlantic Council

97(28) - March 18, 1997
His Majesty Albert II, King of the Belgians to visit NATO

97(29) - March 19, 1997
Visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Mr. Hennady Udovenko, to NATO on 20 March

97(30) - March 20, 1997
Agreed press statement on the occasion of the visit to NATO Headquarters by the Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Mr. Hennadiy Udovenko

97(31) (Revised) - March 20, 1997
NATO Secretary General To Meet The President Of Poland, Mr. Aleksander Kwasniewski, On 24 March 1997

97(32) - March 21, 1997
Exchange Of Radiation Information: Exercise Intex 97

97(33) - March 21, 1997
NATO Secretary General To Visit former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

97(34) - March 21, 1997
Statement by the Secretary General on the Conclusion of the Helsinki Summit

97(35) - March 21, 1997
NATO Secretary General To Visit Sarajevo


97(36) - April 1, 1997
North Atlantic Council, Sintra, 29 May 1997
North Atlantic Co-Operation Council, Sintra, 30 May 1997

97(37) - April 8, 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit the United States

97(38) - April 8, 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Canada

97(39) - April 8, 1997
Seminar On Public Relations Aspects Of Peacekeeping

97(40) - April 14, 1997
Civil Emergency Planning Symposium 1997 : The Humanitarian Challenge of the 21st Century: Blueprint for the Future, Moscow, 22-25 April, 1997

97(41) - April 15, 1997
Agreed Statement by the Secretary General of NATO and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia

97(42) - April 17, 1997
NATO Secretary General and Ambassadors Visit Bosnia and Herzegovina on 18 April 1997

97(43) - April 17, 1997
NATO Armaments Review

97(44) - April 18, 1997
Statement by NATO Secretary General Javier Solana, Sarajevo

97(45) - April 23, 1997
PMSC Session (Reinforced) on Parliamentary Oversight of the Defence Establishment

97(46) - April 28, 1997
NATO offers course on International Security to Bosnia

97(47) - April 25, 1997
NACC Seminar on "The Role of the Private Sector in Defence" 28-29 April 1997

97(48) - April 25, 1997
NATO - Summit, Madrid, Spain, 8-9 July 1997

97(49) - April 30, 1997
Statement by the Secretary General on the agreement between Greece and Turkey


97(52) - May 6, 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Ukraine

97(53) - May 6, 1997
Agreed Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, Dr. Javier Solana and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Mr. Yevgeny Primakov

97(54) - May 26, 1997
NATO Advanced Networking Workshop on "First CEENet Workshop on Networking Policy", 29-31 May, 1997 in Tartu, Estonia

97(55) - May 12, 1997
North Atlantic Council In Defence Ministers Session Meeting of NATO Defence Ministers With Co-Operation Partners

97(56) - May 14, 1997
Joint statement by the Secretary General of NATO and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia

97(57) - May 15, 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Bonn

97(58) - May 16, 1997
North Atlantic Council Approves NATO/Russia Document

97(59) - May 16, 1997
NATO Secretary General to Visit the United States

97(60) - May 21, 1997
NATO - Russia Summit, Paris - 27 May

97(61) - May 21, 1997
North Atlantic Council, Sintra, 29 May 1997
North Atlantic Co-Operation Council, Sintra, 30 May 1997
Second Advisory

97(63) - May 21, 1997
CEP/CIMIC Course, Gudauri, Georgia

97(64) - May 22, 1997
NADC Seminar On Operation Of Air Defence And Air Traffic Control Systems In Peace Time And During Crisis

M-NAC-1(97)65 - May 29, 1997
Final Communiqu of the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Sintra, Portugal

M-NACC-EAPC-1(97)66 - May 30, 1997
Basic Document of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council

M-NACC-EAPC-1(97)67 - May 30, 1997
Chairman's Summary of the Meetings of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council


97(69) - June 2, 1997
Statement by NATO Secretary General on the signing of the Friendship and Cooperation Treaty between Romania and Ukraine

M-DPC/NPG-1(97)70 - June 12, 1997
Final Communiqu of the Ministerial Meetings of the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group

M-NAC-D-1(97)71 - June 12, 1997
Final Communiqu of the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session

97(72) - June 5, 1997
NATO Research Fellowships Programme 1997-1999 with Annex:
  1. The Members of the Selection Committee
  2. NATO Fellowships Winners 1997

97(73) - June 11, 1997
Appointment of General Wesley K. Clark, U.S. Army to Succeed General George A. Joulwan as Supreme Allied Commander Europe

M-EAPC-D1(97)74 - June 13, 1997
Chairman's Summary of the Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council in Defence Ministers Session

97(75) - June 13, 1997
Visit by the Federal Councillor and Head of the Federal Military Department of Switzerland, Mr. Adolf Ogi, to NATO on 18 June 1997

97(76) - June 18, 1997
Farewell to General Joulwan - 26 June 1997

97(77) - June 18, 1997
Visit by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Mr. Y. Ikeda, to NATO Headquarters on 24 June 1997

97(78) - June 20, 1997
NATO Secretary General to Visit Sarajevo

97(79) - June 25, 1997
1997 NATO Economics Colloquium - 25-27 June 1997 - "Economic Developments And Reforms In Cooperation Partner Countries: External Relations With Particular Focus On Regional Cooperation"

97(80) - June 27, 1997
Statement by the NATO Spokesman on the Six Month Review of the SFOR Operation in Bosnia-Herzegovina


M-1(97)81 - July 8, 1997
Madrid Declaration on Euro-Atlantic Security and Cooperation issued by the Heads of State and Government at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Madrid

M-1(97)82 - July 8, 1997
Special Declaration on Bosnia And Herzegovina issued by the Heads of State and Government at the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Madrid

S-APHSG-1(97)84 - 8th July 1997
Summary of the Meeting of Allied and Partner Heads of State and Government under the Aegis of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council

(97)85 - 10 July 1997
Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Javier Solana on actions by SFOR to detain indicted war criminals at Prijedor

(97)86 - 15 July 1997
Visit by the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office for Albania, Dr. Franz Vranitzky, to NATO on 16 July 1997

(97)87 - 18 July 1997
Agreed Statement to the Press following the First Meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council on 18 July 1997

(97)88 - 22 July 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit United States

(97)90 - 28 July 1997
Statement by Secretary General, made in Washington DC, on Saturday, 26th July 1997

(97)91 - 29 July 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Sarajevo

(97)92 - 31 July 1997
NATO's Role in Polish Flood Relief

(97)93 - 31 July 1997
Appointment of Admiral Harold W. Gehman Jr., US Navy, to Succeed General John J. Sheehan as Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic


(97)94 - 8 August 1997
NATO Science Committee: Science For Peace -A New Cooperative Programme With Partners

(97)95 - 13 August 1997
Informal Meeting of NATO Defence Ministers, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 1-2 October 1997

(97)96 - 27 August 1997
PfP Seminar on Aeromedical Evacuation and Rescue Operations in Emergencies, Kyiv, Ukraine, 1st-3rd September 1997

(97)97 - 30 August 1997
Statement by the North Atlantic Council

(97)98 - 29 August 1997
Secretary General's press statement


(97)99 - 1 September 1997
New NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs

(97)100 - 5 September 1997
NATO Secretary General to meet the Prime Minister of Albania, Mr. Fatos Nano, on 10 September 1997

(97)102 - 11 September 1997
NATO Secretary General to Visit Sarajevo

(97)103 - 11 September 1997
Statement by the NATO Spokesman

(97)104 - 11 September 1997
Agreed NATO-Russia Statement on the 11 September Permanent Joint Council Meeting at Ambassadorial Level

(97)105 - 15 September 1997
Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, Dr. Javier Solana on the Municipal Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina

(97)106 - 17 September 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit the United States

(97)107 - 17 September 1997
Statement by Secretary General of NATO, Dr. Javier Solana, on the Crash of UN Helicopter in Bosnia and Herzegovina

(97)108 - 19 September 1997
First Ministerial Meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council, New York, 26th September 1997

(97)109 - 18 September 1997
Visit by the Swedish Prime Minister, Mr. Gran Persson, to NATO Headquarters on 22 September 1997

(97)110 - 19 September 1997
Visit by the Latvian Prime Minister, Mr. Guntars Krasts, to NATO on 24 September

(97)111 - 19 September 1997
Civil aspects of Crisis Management - International cooperation and good neighbourly relations

(97)112 - 19 September 1997
1997 Civil Protection Committee seminar and meeting with Cooperation Partners

Press Summary 26 September 1997
NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council Meeting At Ministerial Level in New York

(97)113 - 26 September 1997
NATO Air Defence Committee Seminar On Air Defence In Peace And Humanitarian Operations And Regional Co-Operation In Air Defence

M-DM-1(97)114 - 2 October 1997
Press Guidelines for the Informal Meeting of Defence Ministers - Maastricht, The Netherlands, 1st and 2nd October

(97)115 - 30 September 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Italy

(97)116 - 30 September 1997
EAPC Seminar on "Practical Economic Aspects of Defence Industry Modernisation" 6-7 October 1997


(97)117 - 1 October 1997
Statement by the Secretary General, Dr. Javier Solana on the SFOR Operation Against SRT Transmitters in Bosnia and Herzegovina

(97)118 - 6 October 1997
Press Statement by the Secretary General

(97)119 - 7 October 1997
Visit to NATO by High Representative Carlos Westendorp and Ambassador Robert H. Frowick on 8 October 1997

(97)121 - 8 October 1997
NATO Secretary General to address North Atlantic Assembly in Bucharest

(97)122 - 10 October 1997
Inaugural Meeting of NATO-Ukraine Commission - Friday 10 October 1997

(97)124 - 14 October 1997
NATO Secretary General to Visit Japan

(97)125 - 14 October 1997
NATO Secretary General to Visit California

(97)126 - 15 October 1997
NATO's Headquarters celebrates 30 years in Belgium

(97)127 - 16 October 1997
PFP Workshop On Industrial Planning in Prague, 20th and 21st October 1997

(97)128 - 24 October 1997
NATO-Russia Statement on the 24 October Permanent Joint Council Meeting at Ambassadorial Level

(97)129 - 24 October 1997
Statement by the NATO Spokesman on SFOR Support for the Republika Srpska Elections

(97)130 - 24 October 1997
NATO's Political Committee will visit Ukraine on 27-28 October 1997

(97)131 - 27 October 1997
North Atlantic Council to Visit Ottawa, Washington and SACLANT

(97)132 - 28 October 1997
Partnership For Peace Workshop And Exercise On Flood Emergencies - Bratislava (Slovak Republic), 29th-31st October 1997


(97)133 - 6 November 1997
NATO Secretary General visits Sarajevo and Belgrade

(97)134 - 6 November 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Berlin

(97)135 - 7 November 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Switzerland

(97)136 - 7 November 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Italy

(97)137 - 7 November 1997
Statement by the Permanent Chairman of NATO's Conference Of National Armaments Directors

(97)138 - 12 November 1997
Visit of the Defence Committee of the German Bundestag to NATO HQ

(97)139 - 14 November 1997
Statement by NATO Secretary General following the Death of Mr. Roman Lishchynski, Information Officer, Kyiv

(97)140 - 14 November 1997
Press Advisory: North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session

(97)141 - 17 November 1997
Statement by the NATO Secretary General on the results of the Hungarian referendum on NATO membership

(97)142 - 18 November 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit United Kingdom

(97)143 - 18 November 1997
Statement by Secretary General on reopening of Banja Luka airport

(97)144 - 19 November 1997
NATO Secretary General visits Sarajevo

(97)145 - 24 November 1997
Foreign Ministers meetings

(97)146 - 24 November 1997
NATO-Russia statement on the 24 November Permanent Joint Council meeting at Ambassadorial level

M-DPC-2(97)147 - 2 December 1997
Defence expenditures of NATO countries

(97)148 - 25 November 1997
Visit by the Polish Prime Minister, Mr. Jerzy Buzek, to NATO on 27 November


M-DPC/NPG-2(97)149 - 2 December 1997
Final Communiqu of the Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers Session held in Brussels on 2nd December 1997

M-DPC/NPG-2(97)150 - 2 December 1997
Final Communiqu of the Ministerial Meeting of the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group on 2nd December 1997

M-EAPC-2(97)151 - 3 December 1997
Chairman's Summary of the Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council in Defence Ministers Session

(97)152 - 1 December 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit France

Press Summary - 3 December 1997
NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council Meeting At Defence Ministers Level

(97)153 - 8 December 1997
PFP Workshop Defence-Disaster-Development: Security in the Third Millennium, Prague 15th -16th December 1997

(97)154 - 12 December 1997
NATO-Russia statement on the 12 December Permanent Joint Council meeting at Ambassadorial level

M-NAC-2(97)155 - 16 December 1997
Final Communiqu of the Ministerial Meeting of the North Atlantic Council held at NATO Headquarters, Brussels, on 16 December 1997

(97)156 - 16 December 1997
Press Statement - NATO-Ukraine Commission - Meeting at Foreign Ministers Level held at NATO Headquarters, Brussels on 16 December 1997

M-2-EAPC(97)157 - 17 December 1997
Chairman's Summary of the Meeting of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, NATO Headquarters, Brussels, 17th December 1997

Press Summary - 17 December 1997
NATO - Russia Permanent Joint Council Meeting at Foreign Ministers' Level, Brussels, 17 December 1997

(97)158 - 18 December 1997
Statement by the Secretary General of NATO, Dr. Javier Solana on SFOR's Action Against Indicted War Criminals

(97)159 - 18 December 1997
NATO Secretary General to visit Banja Luka - Sarajevo

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