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Reg Watch Update


186 Days:      Since Obama’s Executive Order on Regulations
12 Days:        Since Obama’s Executive Order on Regulations for                           Independent Agencies
1 Rule:           Repealed this year – spilled milk not considered an oil spill
677 Rules:      Proposed or enacted this year
$60.5B:          Cost of regulatory burdens from new rules for the year
44,244 Pages: Pages of regulations in the Federal Register so far this year


The Washington Post: Calorie counts don’t change most people’s dining-out habits, (Wednesday, July 6, 2011)
Questions about the effectiveness of calorie disclosure come as the federal government is finalizing regulations to nationalize labeling in chain restaurants next year as part of a measure tucked into President Obama's health-care law.

Politico: Put a ceiling on overregulation, (Wednesday, July 20, 2011)
Regulations cost the U.S. economy roughly $1.75 trillion per year, according to the Small Business Administration’s Office of Advocacy. The 2010 Federal Register, which spells out all new government regulations, stands at an all-time high of 81,405 pages, as counted by the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s annual study, “Ten Thousand Commandments” (which, in full disclosure, was written by one of the authors of this piece).

The Washington Times: GHEI: The crony-capitalist triumph, (Wednesday, July 20, 2011)
It’s not cheap marshaling an army of 2,800 newly minted federal bureaucrats wielding fresh power over the private sector. Over the next decade, businesses will shell out $27 billion in fees, assessments and tithes to their new regulatory masters, according to Congressional Budget Office estimates.

National Review Online: End Regulatory Overreach, (Wednesday, July 20, 2011)
The Federal Register has grown 20 percent in just the last two years, and there are another 4,225 rules already written and winding their way through the system.


Rep. Duffy introduces and the House passes the Consumer Financial Safety and Soundness Improvement Act of 2011(H.R. 1315)

Rep. Scott introduces the Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act (HR 2587)

Rep. Jenkins introduces bill to repeal portion of Health Care Reform Law (H.R. 2529)

Rep. Sullivan introduces TRAIN Act (H.R. 2401)


FCC Net Neutrality Rule
The FCC has proposed rules that would allow the federal government to act as a gatekeeper and prohibit broadband providers from selectively blocking or slowing Web traffic.  These new FCC rules would restrict access to the Internet and stall innovation in our country, further damaging the economy and hindering job creation.
Resolution of disapproval-H.J. Res. 37: Rep. Greg Walden, *Resolution was passed by the House on Friday April 8, 2011 by a vote of 240-179.

*The Congressional Review Act allows Congress 60 legislative days from the time a final regulation is presented to block the new rule with a simple resolution of disapproval passed by the House and Senate and signed by the President.  Unlike legislation, a CRA resolution cannot be filibustered in the Senate and must be brought up for a straight vote with the co-sponsorship of just 30 Senators, making the CRA the most effective legislative tool in the 112th Congress to overcome Senate deadlock.

Casey Hogan – Regulations Legislative Assistant
John Stone – Communications
(202) 225-3864  |