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About the Fed


Annual Report

An easy-to-understand explanation of the debt crisis in Greece and other parts of Europe can be found in "Sovereign Debt: A Modern Greek Tragedy," the essay in this year's annual report. The authors also provide a short history of government debt and consider the possible impact of today's overseas crisis on the U.S.   In his letter,  St. Louis Fed President James Bullard calls the debt crisis a wake-up call for the U.S.  You can also watch a 10-minute video on this topic.  Also in the annual report are a message from Chairman of the Board Ward M. Klein, financial statements for the St. Louis Fed, and a snapshot of our work and employees.

Beige Book

The Beige Book is a summary of anecdotal reports on current economic conditions in each Federal Reserve district. Produced eight times each year.

The Regional Economist

The Regional Economist is a quarterly publication that addresses national and regional economic issues and their impact on the Eighth District.

Research Reports

Earnings Inequality within the Urban United States: 2000 to 2006

This study from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis looks at one of the most striking economic trends in the United States: the ever-widening wage gap between workers at the top end of the pay scale and those at the low end. In the report, economist Christopher H. Wheeler discusses the reasons behind this continuing trend and what public policymakers can do about it. The study includes information on four metropolitan areas within the Eighth Federal Reserve District: Little Rock, Louisville, Memphis and St. Louis.

Local Crime and Local Business Cycles

Do business cycles affect crime rates? A report from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis provides some answers to that question by presenting information on local business cycles and crime rates in 23 major cities. Written by Fed economist Thomas A. Garrett and senior research associate Lesli S. Ott, the report includes data for four cities in the Bank’s District: St. Louis, Little Rock, Louisville and Memphis.


A Foregone Conclusion

An online version of James Neal Primm's book on the creation of the Federal Reserve System and the St. Louis Fed.

Booklets, Guides, and Brochures

A Christmas Present for the President

Presents a short history of the creation of the Federal Reserve System, using excerpts from reminiscences, letters and newspapers published at the time. Provides an inside look at the diverse forces and personalities that came together to bring about the formation of the nation’s central bank.

In Plain English

An easy-to-read guide to the structure and functions of the Federal Reserve System. Available in three formats: online, DVD and the original booklet. Ideal for classroom use.

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