Moving Out

Staying in Touch

Just because you're moving, you don't have to lose touch with all your friends. There are so many ways to make sure you all stay in touch no matter how far apart you might be. Staying in touch takes work on everyone's part, but here are a few simple ways to make it happen.

Get or make an address book. Between now and the time you move, get all your friends' addresses, phone numbers, screen names, and email addresses. Take this book with you, and every time you start to feel lonely, get it out and call or write someone! To make it even more special, take pictures of everyone and include those in the address book.

Get online. With a computer, there are tons of ways to check in with your old friends. You can instant message each other, email, or talk through chat rooms or networking sites. Make sure you talk to a parent or adult before you enter a chat room or a networking site you've never used before.

Make a plan. You and your friends are busy people. With school, sports, and making new friends, you won't have a lot of extra time. Decide when you want to talk to your friends from home and try to stick to a plan. Maybe you want to call each other every weekend, or write once a month, or instant message on Wednesdays. Whatever time you decide, if you plan it, you're more likely to stick to it.

Create a blog or personal webpage. Look into making your own blog about your experiences at your new home. Then, whenever your friends have a minute, they can check out your blog to find out just what you've been up to! Just make sure to ask for your parent’s permission first.

Keep a journal or scrapbook. Whenever you start to miss your friends, but can't contact them, pull out a journal and write down how you're feeling. Or pull out a scrapbook that reminds you of all the good memories you've shared. Sometimes just a picture or some words are enough to comfort you when you're down.

Staying in Touch

Helpful Tips

Remember, people and friendships change. You and your best friends have a lot of great memories that you can hold onto forever, but that doesn't mean things won't change in the future. You may not all stay as close as you are now and that's ok! We have different friends for different times in our lives and there are new friends just waiting for you at your new home!