Moving Out


Getting packed can be a lot of hard work and kind of frustrating if you feel like you've done it a million times before. If you've moved before, you probably have a good idea about what worked and what didn't last time around. Use your own ideas, and check out some of the tips below for some helpful information.

Get organized first. Sort through your room and closet to figure out what you want to keep and what you are ready to give away or get rid of. Make a trip to the installation thrift store, relief society, church or charity and donate those old clothes and games you're no longer interested in.

Separate things into piles when you pack. You don't want to put your sports equipment with your video games or your favorite dress with your gym shoes. Make sure the things you put into boxes go together and can't harm one another.

Get markers and label your boxes. When it's finally time to unpack at your new home, it's nice to know what's in each box, so label each one as you go.

Plan for the trip. Don't forget to keep out a few things that you'll need along the way. Whether you're driving or flying to your new home, you'll want to have books or magazines handy, some entertainment like CDs or your MP3 player, and maybe something to do like a travel size video game.

Make a separate box or bag for your first few nights at your new installation. It might take a while for you to get into your permanent home and to get fully unpacked, so keep a few important things in a box or bag that you can easily get to like pajamas, a toothbrush, a pillow and blanket, and the book you are reading.


Helpful Tips

Get involved. Ask your parents how else you can help with the move. Maybe you can help plan a garage sale or help a younger sibling with packing.

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Make packing as enjoyable as possible. Invite some friends over to help, play some music, and laugh about some of your old clothes and music you've still got around.