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Philippines Certified Provider List
Information For Providers

Senior Enlisted Advisor

The Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA) serves as a key staff member in the TRICARE Area Office-Pacific (TAO-P) representing the enlisted perspective on healthcare issues that affect enlisted personnel and their families.

My mission is to establish and sustain open lines of communication with senior enlisted leadership of all Services and components in the TRICARE Pacific Area. Provide up-to-date information on your ever-changing health benefit and facilitate resolution of complex or systematic problems that may arise with regards to your benefits.

Many of the issues that our fellow enlisted members have addressed can be resolved through basic TRICARE education including claims issues, eligibility, special family member needs, benefit questions, traveling with TRICARE, and Prime/TRICARE Prime Remote enrollment information. The first step for answers to any TRICARE-related topic should be the closest TRICARE Service Center or visit the TRICARE Beneficiary Website. Another avenue for assistance is the Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC), located at every military treatment facility (MTF). If the issue cannot be resolved at that level then I can be your next step for education or assistance.

I am looking forward to working with you.

Contact Info:
Senior Enlisted Advisor
TRICARE Area Office-Pacific
DSN: 315-643-2048
COMM: 011-81-611-743-2048



Philippines Demonstration begins January 2013. View questions and answers; use "Philippines" as your search term.

Changes to pharmacy services in Philippines. >>Learn More

TRICARE is proud to announce the TRICARE Spotlight page to recognize awards, promotions and good news across the MHS.

The Military Health System hosts "Dot-Mil-Docs" every Thursday at 3 p.m. (EST) at

At TRICARE University, you can register for certified classroom and online training or just browse basic TRICARE information.

Quick Links is the official Web site of the
TRICARE Management Activity,
a component of the Military Health System
7700 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 5101, Falls Church, VA 22042-5101
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